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Abandoned cart flow: return to your cart button takes me to none/ any ideas?

  • 26 April 2022
  • 1 reply

I have set up a abandoned cart flow and its triggered  just fine but when I click on the return to cart button in the mail that is sent out I am taken to   


 And under flows in the url I have:  {{ event.extra.checkout_url }} I have even tried {{ event.extra.responsive_checkout_url }} with the same result.


Does any one have any ideas??


p.s My store is runing on shopify

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @Mirza_V 

Thanks for reaching out for help!

When you preview your email in the Klaviyo template editor, and search the event data for “checkout_url” are you seeing a legitimate URL?

If you’re seeing the https://none in the event data here (or nothing at all), then this is the web URL (or lack thereof) that is being sent over to us from Shopify. And yes, I recommend reaching out to them to better sort out next steps. 

As a potential workaround, in the meantime you could redirect to {{ organization.url }}/cart​ Although this is not the checkout page, it will redirect the user back to their cart.

I hope that’s helpful and thanks for being a community member.
