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Could somebody please share the correct tags for Abandoned Cart flow (trigger is Add to Cart) for the dynamic block? I am using Shopify


The default Dynamic block set by Klavyio is not showing up on my emails, it is showing like this when you edit by default:


But on the preview only this is visible:




So only word Price is showing, no picture, product name etc. I even have an example flow open which should clearly show a product and  price at least.

How is this dynamic block incorrect and can somebody please share correct tags for me?

Thank you

Welcome to the community @merilynr 

Here are the settings that work for me on Shopify for an add-to-cart fllow.

Table text code:

<div><h3><a href="{{ event.URL }}">{{ event.Name }}</a></h3>

<p><strong>Price: </strong>{{ event.Price }}</p>


Table image settings:


Do you have the additional tracking features enabled (below and found here: or have you added the add-to-cart snippet to the theme code? Are you seeing Shopify added-to-cart events in your metrics? 



Hope that helps


Hi Andy!

Yes I have done all the actions and I can see my last action added to cart with the specific product as preview as well. But as soon as I add that dynamic block to my email, with your code or with Klavyio’s default, it is not working unfortunately and I am so giving up on this.


Briefly on one of the previews before testing it came up correctly and I added the block, and now when sending test or previewing, it shows only that PRICE field by itself. I have tried everything and spent so much time on this. I even created a draft Klavyio’s one and on that preview it doesn’t work either, so I really am not sure anymore

Hi @merilynr 

Do you have access to Klaviyo support?


