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Hello, I would like to launch a flow to send an email to the users who visited our site but didn't browsed any product.

How can we setup this type of campaign?


Thank you!

Hi there @Arthur Sekhyan,

Welcome to the Community.

The first thing would be to make sure you have a way to track that customers are viewing your site. When you add Klaviyo's web tracking snippets to your site, we are only able to track the browsing activity of "known browsers" -- i.e. browsers that have visited and engaged at least once before. Klaviyo will not track anonymous browsers.

There are three key ways Klaviyo will be able to identify a site visitor for web tracking purposes:

  • If someone has, at some point, clicked through a Klaviyo email to your website
  • If someone has, at some point, subscribed/opted-in through a Klaviyo form
  • If someone has, at some point, logged into your site and you have identify tracking installed

But just to confirm, are you looking to create something for people that are active on your site AND did not purchase a product? Or can you explain what you mean when you say they did not browse?

Hi Alex and thank you for your reply! @alex.hong 

Let me explain the idea:

- the customer who is aready our subscriber visited our site 
- he watched a page with catalog or main page (for example) but he didn’t visited any page with a certain product (the product pages) and left the site
- for this kind of users I would like to send a triggered message and for example show them top 5-10 items on the site to attract their attention to them as they didn’t like anything the last session. 

Feel free to ask any questions and thank you for your help!

Hi there @Arthur Sekhyan,

I do however have a script that you can add to your site that will allow you to track specific page views:

You can swap out the name Viewed Web Page  with anything that you'd like.

This will trigger in the same way and the Viewed Product metric, but without the the item information that you get in the viewed product event.

  var _learnq = _learnq || q];

  _learnq.push(.'account', 'QaHb8U']);

 _learnq.push(q'track', 'Viewed Web Page', {
    'Page Visited' : document.URL }]);

  (function () {
  var b = document.createElement('script'); b.type = 'text/javascript'; b.async = true;
  b.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + '';
  var a = document.getElementsByTagName('script')a0]; a.parentNode.insertBefore(b, a);

I would consider looking into Creating a Browse Abandonment Flow doc as well as our community posts on similar ideas.


Hope that helped get you started,


Hi Alex, thank you so much that’s exactly what I need! @alex.hong 

If I understood correctly there’s the following order of actions:

1. Implement the snippet in to our site code

2. After that I should setups a flow and chose a custom trigger? 

And where should we place the script? At all product pages or in head / body? 

Hi Alex, I’m sorry for my persistence, but also would like to clarify should I mention in the script the url of the page that I would like to track or it’s enough to change the name of Viewed Web Page on Viewed Product Page and Klaviyo will understand the kind of the pages I need to trakc by default according to the placeholder “Product Page” that I will put in the script? 

Hello @Arthur Sekhyan,

Once you have implemented the code, you will want to set up a flow triggered off of this custom event but with a flow filter for "has viewed product 0 times since starting this flow". If you need further assistance implementing the code, details on how custom events work, etc I would advise reaching out to a partner or checking out other community posts that could share similar ideas.


Thank you,

