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I am running a monthly giveaway promotion on my website.

Every month, I update the list of participants, and they receive the automated welcome email flow.

After that, I manually select the winner and remove them from the list.

I then send an email manually to the winner saying "Congratulations, it's you!" and to the other participants, "Unfortunately, it's not you."


I was wondering if there is a way to automate this process? Specifically, to include both the winner and non-winner emails in the flow and ensure they are sent to the correct recipients.


Thank you!

Hi Ana, I am trying to come up with a solution for you but require a little more detail.

1: How do they enter? If its straight from a pop-up or form, you could use this event as a trigger in Klaviyo for an automation.

2: If somebody enters for one month and loses, are they automatically re-entered next month or is it one go only? Unfortunately you cannot use a conditional split to send an email to only one person so the random sample won’t work (1% is as close as you can get).

The only way I can think of is picking the winner manually, and then sending the email.

Your conditional split could then remove anyone who has received the winners email, and send everyone else in the flow an automated ‘not this time’ email.

I think with more information there will be a solution that at least automates some of this and I hope this was useful,


Hi Will,

  1. They enter from a pop-up on the websie
  2. The people who lose should not re-enter the next month. However, if they apply again in a different month, they can still join. However, if that would make the flow complicated, it is fine to leave them out of the contest.

So, if I would use the conditional split, I would still have to manually exclude the winner from the list with all participants. Plus, sent a seperate email to the winner?


Thanks for the help!


HI @Ana listen 


Thanks for the response, I work with @Will at Verve and we’ve been trying to work out a way to do this.


It’s taken quite a while, and led me to believe it might be easier to carry on sending the emails as campaigns - this is because Klaviyo flows do not currently let us set time delays to specific dates of each month. However, we have come up with a solution based on your response...


My best automated solution would be to do the following:


Have a flow with a trigger of pop-up completion (added to list with pop-up filter) which sends them the competition entry confirmation/welcome email and tags each profile with a date property for competition end date. You’d have to go into the flow each month and edit this date to the one you want.


You’d also still need to still manually select the winner each month, opening up their profile and adding a custom property for ‘competition winner: yes’ on the morning of the competition end date each month.


You could then technically build a flow based on competition end date. Also add a filter onto this trigger stating that they cannot have a custom property for previous winner set. Set repeats to never. All entrants would enter on the day of competition end date. A time delay would have to be set to ensure you had already gone in, chosen a winner and tagged an email above - say midday in your timezone. A conditional split would then be used - this would check if custom property: competition winner is set. For the no path, you could automate the send of the ‘you didn’t win’ email. 


In theory, only the person you added yes for competition winner to this month should go down the yes path on this split and because we have the previous winner filter on the trigger, nobody should be able to get in twice. This means you can then add a send email block to automate the winners email too. After this, add a profile property update block which adds a property of previous winner to yes. This will stop them getting in and ever winning again. 


This would technically automate a lot of the process. All that you would need to do would be to go into the pop-up flow immediately after the end of the last competition cycle  and change the date you are tagging onto profiles, and also tag the winning profile in the morning of the last day of the month (competition end date). 


As said at the start, quite complicated so you may choose to stick with your current method.


Hope this is helpful, let me know if you have any questions,




Thanks for the clear en detailed response Callum!
