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Backpopulating an anniversary flow

  • 25 January 2021
  • 6 replies

Hi friends,


I’ve just watched a Klaviyo Masterclass on Profile properties. In the video, it is suggested that we create a tag for first purchase for a anniversary flow.


My question is: Is there a safe way to “backpopulate” the tag flow so that my customers that made a purchase less than 365 days ago can enter the anniversary flow? I worry about doing that myself and end up sending emails to people that has already more than 1 year from the first purchase...

6 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +10

Hey @vitbarreto,

The flow to tag first purchase date cannot be backpopulated, so this is something that will only tag users moving forward. If you want to backfill the data, I’d recommend exporting first purchase date from your ecomm platform, and then uploading that data to Klaviyo (instructions).

Reply back if you have any questions!

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hi @ksanfelipe ,


Thanks for answering. I tried exporting Shopify profiles right now. The CSV file does not include any dates… Any ideas?

Userlevel 3
Badge +10

Hey @vitbarreto ,

I’d recommend reaching out to Shopify support for help with this- someone there should be able to advise on how to get this data out of their platform!

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Ok, I’ll try that.  :-)

It just seems odd to me why Klaviyo does not get this info automatically, since all order data is imported. Klaviyo already knows all orders made from all profiles and dates, prices etc. It just doesn’t allocate the right info under “first purchase date”.



Userlevel 3
Badge +10

Hey @vitbarreto- I apologize that I’m only just seeing your comment!

One reason we don’t tag this automatically is because there are some cases in which the first purchase date recorded by Klaviyo isn’t actually the first purchase date for that customer. For example, say a business had a custom ecommerce platform, and then migrated to using a new platform. If the data from their custom platform could not be migrated to the new one, then the purchase data integrated from the new platform might not actually be the first purchase date.

Just one example, but hopefully that makes sense!



Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hi @KSF,


That makes sense! Thank you for your answer :-)
