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How to create a Conditional Split for Back in Stock?

  • 1 September 2023
  • 1 reply

I want to set up a Back In Stock flow with different options ie. Customer has been waiting over 30 days for product to be back in stock vs Customer has been waiting under 30 days then also splitting again if the product is over $150 which gives them free shipping or if it’s under $150 they won’t get free shipping so will receive a different email. 

Is there a way to set this up ? We are a store with an extensive product range so we may have various different products that people might sign up for back in stock hence wanting to split this up.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @y-f 

Thanks for reaching out for help with your Back in Stock Flow. Happy to help!

It’ll be best done using a custom event/webhook.

In your BIS after the trigger, send a webhook to your own system to say someone has entered the BIS flow at X time.You can then simply trigger an event counting the times from your system. I.E. with the webhook +30 days to trigger a custom event which would initiate a flow in Klaviyo.

You can also use the value of the product to branch the flow or use a show/hide block for products more than $150 to offer free shipping.

Hope this helps!
