On our website, we are implementing Drops everyday. Every week, we send to our client an email with the upcoming drops and they can decide to receive an alert by email.
This is how it looks like :
Below is how we dot it and I’m looking for an easiest and fastest way :
- We add a property when the user click on an image ({% update_property_link 'drop_sezane_1' 'yes' 'https://omaj.fr/pages/confirmation-de-votre-inscription-au-drop' %}
- We create a segment with everybody with this new property
- We create a flow triggered when you enter the previous segment. And the email is sending on a specific day of the week.
- And we do all that every Monday for the rest of the week for example.
The main problem is that it takes a lot of time, it’s really manual and it can create errors.
- Maybe a solution would be to create one property (called Drop for example) and add various values (with the name of the drop, or the date)
- Or maybe there’s another solution that I did not think about.
Thanks a lot for your help,