Trying to set up price drop flows. the flow trigger etc are easy, but cannot find anywhere how to code the emails themselves to populate the image, product name URL etc.
I’ve tried use klavyio example but it is not showing anything in the preview email when in manual
i’ve tried save the klavyio block and put it in there, copy paste the data, nothing works
i’n trying to add a screenshot but not working either ahahh
{{ event.product_name }}
Sale Price: ${{ event.reduced_price | floatformat:2 }} Was: ${{ event.original_price | floatformat:2 }} You Save: ${{ event.price_drop_amount | floatformat:2 }}
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Hi @sophieduer,
Thanks for sharing this question with us.
When you mention using the Klaviyo example I assume you are talking about the Price Drop flow template provided in our Flows Library?
Searching “Drop” under “Browse Ideas” will bring you to the Price Drop Flow Templates
If this is the case, then you are on the right track . If not, I recommend you pull this flow template to get started because it provides all of the tags you need to dynamically populate the item prices, title, etc. in your Price Drop flow. No additional coding required!
Also keep in mind, when you are previewing a flow email, you will need at least one price drop event in order to see data associated with the event (item prices, title etc.) in the email preview. Since you’re telling me the preview is blank, that leads me to believe that you do not yet have a price drop event logged in the account. Once that occurs, you should see the data for that event populate in the flow email. And previewing will pull in the prices, title etc.
I hope that is helpful.
hey Dov, Yes I was using that example in the Klaviyo library. It’s from this example that I had saved the block with all the dynamic info and then use that saved block into my previous flow… it’s the second one in the example.. So not sure what happen there. Ended up being that the block need to be static and not dynamic… which can be a bit confusing here since we want to data to dynamically populate. Would be super helpful to have an article that explains the code of the price drop email itself.
I am wondering did you resolve this issue? I have had the price flow set up for a while now using the template pulling in the tags but it is not showing any product in my preview or in the real emails (see screenshots below) Can you help with this please? Why is the product not appearing?
Tag used:
Email appearing with no product:
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you!
Hi @TMD123,
Thanks for sharing this question with us.
Generally speaking, in order to have event data populate correctly (that is, the content contained dynamic table block you’re referring to) you must use the tags that are produced by the trigger of the flow. We speak to this concept in our documentation here.
It’s also touched upon in a few lively community threads which I’m including below:
In the flows library, we already do the hard work for you by populating all the necessary tags into a single table block. For example, in a Price Drop flow, you can see the tags in the block look like the following:
The block you have in your email looks like it was taken from another type of flow and is being inserted into a Price Drop flow. That won’t work because the event data for one type of flow i.e. one triggered off of Placed Order, wouldn’t translate to a flow triggered off of Price Drop. They require separate tags to populate their respective event data. So you should use the default Price Drop flow from the flows library (contained in the original solution) and try previewing it using the default table block (which looks like the one above).
Also keep in mind, you will need at least one price drop event in order to see data associated with the event (item prices, title etc.) in the email preview.
I hope that’s helpful!
Super helpful thanks so much!
Do you know what the variable to add “vendor” into this flow is? I’m on Shopify.
I have experiment the below… everything works expect for “vendor”.
@ayyub_here we are a multi brand website with over 30 brands (or “vendors” as Shopify refers to them). So we want the brand name displayed alongside the product name if that make sense.
Hi @AliceC,
Thanks for sharing this with us. And thanks @ayyub_here for your input as well!
@AliceC, in a similar vain to my point on using tags produced by the trigger of the flow - only the tags that are produced by the trigger will be accessible for us in that particular flow. That is to say, when you preview the message, “vendor” would need to be contained in the event data for the Price Drop flow, otherwise we won’t be able to populate it. In this case, vendor wouldn’t be a field we’re able to populate because it’s not contained as an event variable in the preview. This preview window will show all of the data available for that particular event metric.
I recommend reading through our documentation here, that explains this concept in more detail (also linked in my previous reply).
I hope that helps clear things up.
@Dov thank you! That’s answer my question. Much appreciated.
It’s a shame the “vendor” tag isn’t available across all flows - I’m sure we’re not the only mutli brand on Klaviyo who needs this.
Hi @AliceC,
Thanks for your reply!
I will file a feature request on your behalf and if we garner enough interest, the product team will evaluate the implementation of a vendor tag in the future.
Thanks for being a member of our community.
Store Platform: Shopify
Issue: Dynamic text (values) not populating in Price Drop test emails.
Request: Direction on where to go next to troubleshoot this issue.
To test our Price Drop flow, I…
created a customer profile,
viewed a product while signed in,
confirmed in the customer profile that the integration tracked the product view,
in Shopify, I dropped the price within the flow’s trigger range,
received the Price Drop email alert in my inbox,
...but, the email had no values for the event variables
Result of the Test Email:
I checked the “Price drop report”, but there is “No Data Available”:
I thought that maybe the problem was that I had subsequently returned the product’s price to it’s original price causing the event to be removed from the report, but…
...I looked at another account I manage that has products that were (1) dropped and then (2) returned to original price, but the “Price drop report” still has those products listed.
I can see Event Details for this account in the Send Test “Preview Mode” view:
But, in the account I’m currently troubleshooting, there are no Events in the same view:
I checked the status of the Enabled Integrations, but I don’t see anything that would explain why these events aren’t logging:
I also checked the “Viewed Product” report in Analytics > Metrics > Viewed Product > nfilter for test product] and confirmed that the views for that product were registered today during the times I viewed and tested this flow email.
Not sure where to go next to troubleshoot this and would appreciate any direction or ideas.
It’s the same for me. This is the original flow of Klaviyo: