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Hi Community friends!

Welcome to the beta of our Klaviyo Community Forum. We can't wait to learn more about you and your business. To kick things off, let’s share some proper introductions.


  • What's your name? 
  • What are you most passionate about?
  • Where do you work and what is your role?
  • What’s one thing you love most about your company?

We’re stoked to have you here with us, and we’re looking forward to building an incredible community with you.

Hi everyone, 

I’m Cassy, the Community Manager at Klaviyo. You’ll see me in here quite a bit, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions!

I’m passionate about the great outdoors (hiking, climbing, camping) and I love both baking sweets and cooking savory meals – heck, even baking sweet and savory things!

I love that Klaviyo is very customer focused, and dedicated to creating lots of different resources and content for customer consumption. I also love that we have a “PetsofKlaviyo” slack channel, for all the times we need a quick pick-me-up! 

Me & Boomer saying hi!


Hello Klaviyos,

My name is Joe, and I’m a Klaviyo Platinum/Master Partner and run a consultancy (Retention Commerce) helping Shopify merchants with their Klaviyo email strategy and implementation. 

I’ve been exclusively working with Klaviyo for the past 4 years and had the distinct privilege working with dozens of Shopify merchants grow their business with their owned marketing channels. It’s been super fun watching Klaviyo’s exponential growth and becoming an important part of the ecommerce ecosystem.

Outside of Ecommerce, I’m super passionate about old vintage technology, especially the ones that have speech synthesis (talk in that robotic voice).  I have a uncomfortable amount of old computers, robots, and tech “toys” from that era that I get to share with my two young daughters who still thinks they’re cool too (hard to compete with an iPad). Anybody else still have their Speak & Spell or the Heathkit Hero One Robot?  Please find me…

The best part of my job is to have the opportunity to work with visionary entrepreneurs who not only understand their product, but also the audience that they serve.  I get to learn what works and what challenges they face every day and live vicariously through their experience. 

I look forward to seeing everyone here in the community!

Hi Cassy and Klaviyo Community, 

My name is Taylor Clark and I am Growth Success Manager at Klaviyo. Specifically, I manage our growth social accounts (@klaviyogrowth). I’d love to hear from the community what types of content they’d like additional tips on!

Outside of Klaviyo I enjoy golfing, playing video games, hanging with my family, taking walks, and reading. 

I’ve been very excited to see the creation of the Growth team, the Community team, and the work the Academy team has been doing, it is great to be part of a team that is doing everything we can to make sure we’re serving customers on all mediums! Don’t hesitate to reach out to me at!

Looking forward to meeting more of you!


Hi all-

Excited to meet you all!

  • What's your name? Julie Hayes
  • What are you most passionate about? Helping new e-commerce businesses be successful!
  • Where do you work and what is your role? I’m a Senior Growth Success Manager at Klaviyo! The Growth Success team builds out helpful live training sessions to help our customers get the most out of their email marketing and growth their business -- check out our upcoming sessions here:
  • What’s one thing you love most about your company? I love that we help so many businesses have powerful engagements at the right time with the right person at scale with owned marketing channels!

Hello Klaviyo Community,

My name is Dov and I am a Product Expert at Klaviyo. As a Product Expert, I am responsible for helping our customer’s businesses grow by answering questions about the Klaviyo platform. We may have already crossed paths exchanging emails or through live chat. It’s a pleasure to be a part of the new and exciting Klaviyo community forum launch!

I am passionate about finding answers to complex problems and having meaningful and impactful discussions with customers to help maximize their success using Klaviyo.

I love Klaviyo’s enthusiasm and ambitiousness to help our customers succeed. Our company is filled with dedicated, intelligent people and it’s a pleasure to work with them and learn from them each and every day.

Hello everyone!

My name is Logan. I love to use technology to improve efficiency and make life a little better. It all started when I got my first phone that I could keep a calendar on. Now I have smart lights, speakers, TVs, and watches! A day where I can make technology do some work for me is a good day.

I am a Product Expert with the support team at Klaviyo. This gives me a wide range of knowledge about Klaviyo. Recently I have been focusing on our Product Catalogs and Data Feeds.

Working for Klaviyo is awesome because we are dedicated to offering reliable services. We monitor many factors to determine the needs of our customers and ensure everything works smoothly.

Hey Community!


I’m Shelly— a senior product expert at Klaviyo. I’ve worked on the Support team for a few years now, so you may have had an interaction with me previously through email, chat or zoom. I specialize in all parts of the platform but focus mainly on account, authorization and billing-specific cases. If you have any issues related to these topics, I’m your girl 🙂.


One thing that has remained consistent throughout my time at Klaviyo is the passion and enthusiasm that Klaviyos have to help clients grow. It’s contagious and compels me to want to learn more each day, so that I can provide top-notch service to clients.


Outside of Klaviyo support and events, you can catch me slaying on the tennis court, catching sunrays on the beach, salsa dancing in my living room (because social distancing), or cooking up a delicious plant-based meal.


Excited to connect with you!








Howdy, my name is Nelson and I'm one of the Sr. Product Experts here at Klaviyo.  Like Shelly, I've been at Klaviyo for a number of years and you too have likely worked with me via email or chat.  I'm knowledgable in all things Klaviyo, but my areas of focus are Flows and Signup Forms.

A little bit about me; outside of work I split my time between spending time with my wife and our three boys (trying our best to raise good humans), listening to a massive list of podcasts I'm subscribed to (my list is currently sitting at 247 feeds), and playing Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder.

I'm most passionate about having your voice be heard.  We have a powerful tool and our engineers are always working towards adding pretty awesome functionality, but I honestly believe that the best ideas come from people like you.  You all come to Klaviyo from different places in the world, but your goals are largely the same -- I love hearing what you're looking to accomplish and helping you to reach that or by advocating on your behalf to ensure Klaviyo is always focused on our customer's experience.  Simply put -- without y'all, we're nothing.

do i need to work in klaviyo to post here? lol!


  • What's your name? 

Alfonso, nice to meet you all!

  • What are you most passionate about?

improve ROI in all its flavors!

  • Where do you work and what is your role?

I work in a new startup called that it’s still getting things together to conquer the world. My role is Shopify expert with a huge background in marketing / development / design. 

  • What’s one thing you love most about your company?

the team, we have a great team.


@fonko Welcome to the Klaviyo Community, Alfonso! You certainly don’t need to work at Klaviyo to post here, thanks so much for introducing yourself! I’m looking forward to learning more about when it’s launch time, and hope to hear more about your Shopify expertise as we grow this community forum.

@fonko Welcome to the Klaviyo Community, Alfonso! You certainly don’t need to work at Klaviyo to post here, thanks so much for introducing yourself! I’m looking forward to learning more about when it’s launch time, and hope to hear more about your Shopify expertise as we grow this community forum.

sure thing! I will be around… I know klaviyo has massive potential that I didn’t yet quite discover. So, yes… i will be checking in to see what’s up! 

Hi everyone,

It’s really nice to meet everyone. My name is Anareli Larios and I am the marketing manager for La Vida Eyewear-- it’s a small eyewear brand and I’m new to the role so I’m still figuring things out in terms of coming up with innovative ways to help out the company I work for and wearing plenty of marketing hats.


I’m passionate about finding solutions to problems; I like figuring things out--playing “detective”, looking at things from different angles and coming up with creative solutions. (I’m also passionate about astrology but let’s not get into that too much lol)

When I’m not at work, you can most likely find me playing the new app craze Among Us with friends or trying different wines and sangrias.


It’s a pleasure to be here and I appreciate the welcoming post! I hope to be interacting with you all soon in some format!

@lariosa Hi Anareli, welcome to the Klaviyo Community! Love your mindset of “playing detective”, and coming up with creative solutions to challenging problems. We’re really excited to grow with you on your Klaviyo journey, and look forward to hearing more about your successes with La Vida Eyewear. Also, Among Us is excellent!

Hello everyone!. Nice to meet you all!.


My name is David Sierraalta. I am a content creator and copywriter for Softwarekeep, a Microsoft reseller. I have been on this job and using Klaviyo since June or so, so I’m still pretty new about all of this.

I am a Biology major, which is weird since I now work where I work haha. So having that background makes me truly passionate about science and Biology, specifically conservation/restoration (I am even working on publishing a research paper on Oct 30th so fingers crossed!)

I ended up working for SoftwareKeep as a tech support agent but finally got moved to Content writing, email marketing, and copywriting due to the skills I showed during my time at tech support.

I am truly grateful to SoftwareKeep since they make me feel like part of the family, like my opinions matter, and make changes within our company. We have a motto that I feel closely related to and I’m thankful for the opportunity they gave me to develop my skills in this whole email marketing thing which I knew zero about when I first started.


I am looking forward to seeing how this community develops and how we can help each other, having so many different backgrounds.


Thank you for sending me the invite!


David S.

@David Sierraalta Hi David, it’s so great to have you in our Klaviyo community. It sounds like you’ve had quite the journey, and I’m thrilled to hear that you’re expanding your marketing skills with SoftwareKeep! I look forward to seeing you chime in on your own email experiences in the community, and please do keep us posted on that research paper. Love that it’s on conservation efforts! 

Hi Community friends!

Welcome to the beta of our Klaviyo Community Forum. We can't wait to learn more about you and your business. To kick things off, let’s share some proper introductions.


  • What's your name? 
  • What are you most passionate about?
  • Where do you work and what is your role?
  • What’s one thing you love most about your company?

We’re stoked to have you here with us, and we’re looking forward to building an incredible community with you.

Thank you for your welcome. Nice to become part of you growing community. My name is Jack. I am a 70+ starting internet entrepreneur. I am passionate about longevity. Living a healthy, energetic, happy life. Besides that my ambition is to run profitable internet businesses. I run a Shopify store now with Klaviyo as one of the Apps. I set up the necessary basic flows. And I am on the blink of creating retargeting broadcasts to my list. Still looking for the best way to do that. I trust I can find direction and answers here. I have other online businesses in the cooking pot as well. Love it. 

Hey :wave_tone3:

I’m Francine, Email Marketing Manager at OddBalls (if you haven’t heard of us, check us out!). Really nice to have this community, can’t wait to get to know you all and hopefully learn tonnes! 

I’m passionate about creating fun, engaging, user-friendly content, and I try to bring a smile to our customers with every email I send - I think if you’re having fun with what you’re creating then it really comes across to customers.

I joined OddBalls during lockdown in the UK which was pretty crazy, but a great way to get stuck in and start off with a challenge. I’ve been super lucky to have taken on responsibility for everything email within such an awesome brand. While it may look like it’s all a bit of fun, OddBalls also donates to charities via the sale of products, and through the OddBalls Foundation raises awareness of testicular cancer.

The one thing I love most about OddBalls is our customers, they’re hilarious and happy and confident and it’s really satisfying to see how a crazy pair of pants can brighten someone’s day. 

Hope to chat to you all soon! 

(I am even working on publishing a research paper on Oct 30th so fingers crossed!)


@David Sierraalta Good luck with that! :four_leaf_clover:

Hi all, this is exciting.  Stumbled upon this forum by accident (well, I’m active on the Shopify forum and thought I’d google Klaviyo + Forum to see if there is such a thing - there is!)

My name Manny.

Recently, I’ve been obsessed with playing the piano.  I started learning late in life (30’s - actually last October) and have been practicing every day.  It’s very cool when you start to notice the improvements in your movement and getting both hands to play separately. 

I work at Mint Green Group and I’m the head of eCommerce.  We represent American brands in Canada, so I run the Canadian sites for all the brands we manage in Canada (,, and 2 more).

It’s a relatively small company I work for and I love the entrepreneurial spirit.  We’re encouraged to step out of our comfort zone and strive for greatness.  

I also run Apollo Merchants, a eCommerce consultancy (and Shopify Experts) helping brands build and grow their online stores. 

I’m pretty deep in Klaviyo and Shopify on a daily basis, if there’s anything I can do to help you, reach out directly!

Hi everyone!


My name is Angie, Media manager at Khloe Jewels.

Looking forward to learn about Klaviyo! Thank you guys for your help!

Hey all! My name is Jessica

I’m passionate about animals, the outdoors, and my community! In my free time, I do everything I can to get outside and stay active.

I’m the Marketing/Communications manager for Fuse Lenses. We specialize in custom made replacement lenses for any name-brand sunglasses! I’m responsible for overseeing all of our communications, including email (which we use Klaviyo for, of course!) 

I love being a part of a small team! Our company has less than 30 employees and our marketing team has around 5. I love the collaboration that happens and the fact that you can see your impact across all channels of the business! I also love working for Fuse because they are so customer-focused, which I think you really need to be to stay relevant and alive in the ecomm space now.

Looking forward to being a part of this community and learning from everyone! 

Hi all, this is exciting.  Stumbled upon this forum by accident (well, I’m active on the Shopify forum and thought I’d google Klaviyo + Forum to see if there is such a thing - there is!)

My name Manny.

Recently, I’ve been obsessed with playing the piano.  I started learning late in life (30’s - actually last October) and have been practicing every day.  It’s very cool when you start to notice the improvements in your movement and getting both hands to play separately. 

I work at Mint Green Group and I’m the head of eCommerce.  We represent American brands in Canada, so I run the Canadian sites for all the brands we manage in Canada (,, and 2 more).

It’s a relatively small company I work for and I love the entrepreneurial spirit.  We’re encouraged to step out of our comfort zone and strive for greatness.  

I also run Apollo Merchants, a eCommerce consultancy (and Shopify Experts) helping brands build and grow their online stores. 

I’m pretty deep in Klaviyo and Shopify on a daily basis, if there’s anything I can do to help you, reach out directly!


Welcome @Manny Singh!  Love to hear you’re active on the Shopify forum!  The Klaviyo forum is brand spanking new but if you ever have any feedback as a veteran forum user on how we can improve, we’re all ears!  You can always shoot me or @cassy.lee a direct message!  Welcome again!  

Hiya @Manny Singh

Thanks so much for being a part of our Klaviyo Community - we’re so glad to have you here! We’re excited to continue growing this forum, and thrilled to be able to provide a space for our extended Klaviyo ecosystem to share their findings, successes, and ask help from others. If there are any success stories or interesting learnings from your experience with Mint Green Group and Apollo Merchants, we’d love to hear it in the Show & Tell section

As @apoole already mentioned, if you have ideas or feedback, please don’t hesitate to let me know. 

p.s. Applauding you for picking up piano! I downloaded an app recently to try and pick it back up but my fingers never know where to go! It is satisfying to see the incremental progress though, and be able to associate a note with a key. Keep up the great work! 


Hi everyone!


My name is Angie, Media manager at Khloe Jewels.

Looking forward to learn about Klaviyo! Thank you guys for your help!

Hi @kandikandishop, welcome to the Klaviyo Community and thanks for being here. We’re excited to learn more about Khloe Jewels and your journey with Klaviyo!

Hey all! My name is Jessica

I’m passionate about animals, the outdoors, and my community! In my free time, I do everything I can to get outside and stay active.

I’m the Marketing/Communications manager for Fuse Lenses. We specialize in custom made replacement lenses for any name-brand sunglasses! I’m responsible for overseeing all of our communications, including email (which we use Klaviyo for, of course!) 

I love being a part of a small team! Our company has less than 30 employees and our marketing team has around 5. I love the collaboration that happens and the fact that you can see your impact across all channels of the business! I also love working for Fuse because they are so customer-focused, which I think you really need to be to stay relevant and alive in the ecomm space now.

Looking forward to being a part of this community and learning from everyone! 

@jgoodin  Welcome to the Community Jessica! We’re so happy to have you here with us, and we’re excited to learn more about Fuse Lenses and your e-commerce journey! We’re always open to feedback and story-sharing, so if there’s any interesting tests you’ve run, or want to share something you’ve learned, please feel free to post in the Show and Tell section! You can also see what we’ve been up to by checking out our feature updates on the News & Announcements page

Thanks again, 
also, love that you’re passionate about the great outdoors! Have been doing lots of hikes around the MA/NH/NY area but can’t wait until we can travel again for some Grand Canyon adventures! 
