Hello everyone,
I'm setting up the integration in Salesforce (SiteGenesis) following the document How to Integrate with Salesforce Commerce Cloud (https://help.klaviyo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033744951-How-to-Integrate-with-Salesforce - Commerce-Cloud).
Everything seems to work correctly, most events are triggered and captured from Klaviyo's side. Except the cart events.
According with doc:
2. I have to include the following code in the minicart.isml, cart.isml and any other "cart" isml files the site uses:
<isif condition="${pdict.CurrentHttpParameterMap.cartAction == 'add' || pdict.CurrentHttpParameterMap.cartAction == 'update'}">
<isinclude url="${URLUtils.url('Klaviyo-RenderKlaviyoAddToCart')}"/>
So, I have realized that klaviyo.js already has been included by other file on previous step:
1. Add the following code to the bottom of your footer_UI.isml file:
<isinclude template="components/footer/klaviyoFooter"/>
Therefore, I am getting warning in browser console when cart page is loading:
It is not possible to upload klaviyo.js multiple times for the same site. Ignoring account "xxxxxx". The active account is "xxxxxx"
Meanwhile, I did not receive any data on Klaviyo dashboard.
Have Someone ever gotten this issue?