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Some Items and Parent Categories not available

  • 21 November 2020
  • 2 replies

I’m trying to create a segment of people who purchase one of eight specific items. I’m integrating with Lightspeed POS to pull inventory items.

I tried setting it up this way: Placed Order > at least once > over all time > Items. But only four of the eight items are available to select. 

I also tried putting the items into categories, but only one of the four Parent Categories I created is visible. 

Is a category or parent category NOT available if someone hasn’t purchased it yet? 

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +45

@thestephwhoridesbikes  for you to be able to select the products a placed order should have taken place with those specific products in it. Otherwise there's no info available in the Klaviyo placed order feed for you to select from.

So what you mentioned is correct.. you need a placed order event to happen with that product information for it to show up. It doesn't pull it from the catalog but from the placed order feed.

Hope it helps

Badge +2

Thank you so much! So I’ll just ring myself up a fake sale I guess. :joy: I appreciate your response!
