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Subscriber list not migrating

  • 7 December 2023
  • 2 replies

Hi! I have emailed support multiple times however am not hearing anything back. I have migrated from OmniSend to Klaviyo but my subscribers are not showing up. I have all my customers but it is saying only 1 is subscribed. How can i fix this??

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +42

@Adorn Jewellery 

Well that is probably true.. 1 subscribed and the rest you added, But that doesn’t mean you can’t email them.

I assume you are creating master segment and you haven’t removed the bottom line.. 

If you are creating this segment probably best to click on the X for the last line “because person subscribed” .. you don’t need that leave just the first 2 lines


Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @Adorn Jewellery 

Thanks for reaching out for help with your subscriber list. Thanks @Bobi N. for jumping in to help.

While Bobi is correct, you will need to update their consent status in order to meet Klaviyo’s terms of use, as we don’t allow marketing to be sent without consent. Sending to a lot of profiles without consent can send a red flag to our compliance team and could negatively impact your account. I would recommend uploading consent status with a CSV file to all the profiles that have given their consent. This will make sure your account stays compliant and that you are only sending messages to those customers who want to hear from your brand.

Hope this helps!
