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Where to view subs lost to double-opt-in process?

  • 24 May 2024
  • 3 replies

Hey there Klaviyo community,


I’m trying to see how many users we’ve lost to our double-opt-in process through all time. We’re relatively new to Klaviyo.


For context, I have set up one sign up form, as well as a “welcome” flow that sends to all new subscribers on the email list.


Separately through each aspect, I can see that 31 people have completed the sign up form. However, Only 24 people have received the welcome email flow. Leading me to believe that we lost about 6 people through the double opt-in process.


Is there a way to view a list of these “lost” profiles? Because they did not complete the double opt in, I assume they are in my list of profiles, but not on my “All Email Subscribers” List. However, when trying to create a segment, I’m failing to find the right properties to input for Klaviyo to spit out what I want to see.


I would love to be able to set up a “follow up” email to these subs, so that I can try to win them back… since I have a feeling they are real people and not bots or spam. It is possible they could be mistyped.


For context, we also imported around 2k contacts to this list from Wix, and these folks would have circumvented the double opt in process because of that migration. However, we could separate them based on timeline.


Thank you in advance for any support!

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +41


Here’s one way you can achieve this. Segment below. You need to replace the name of your form ($source) and the double opt-in list to which the form data is submitted. 

The segment will include profiles that have submitted the form but have not been added to your list because they have not confirmed their subscription.

I hope that helps.




Userlevel 5
Badge +30

Jumping in here to suggest reframing your thinking these profiles are “lost”. It’s more likely those profiles were bots and not real humans. The double opt in is working as intended if it’s keeping out bots and typos which both will have negative impact on your deliverability. Only people with high intent and desire to engage with your brand complete the double opt in process.


Also keep in mind since those unconfirmed profiles have not completed their opt in, you can only legally send them transactional email content and not marketing content such as an additional subscription request. Your best bet is to retarget them via social media or your website to get them to complete their subscription (if they are indeed real humans).

Userlevel 1

Thank you both for that helpful insight!! This is definitely an interesting conversation, and probably a common thread for new users…

To give more insight on our end, I’m fairly certain these are not bots but real people, and that they failed to complete double opt in because the double opt in confirmation email went to their spam… this happened to several people I was with when walking them through it (we host events and sometimes our audience isn’t especially tech savvy).

Our deliverability is actually severely damaged due to an automation issue where a contractor accidentally sent over 400 emails to every user repeatedly (a true disaster) and several contacts (understandably) marked us as spam.

Either way, I see now that another email would probably just go to their spam anyway, further hurting our deliverability, on top of the legality issue.

I’ll shift our focus into driving those on socials to our mailing list…

Thank you for your advice and for the helpful articles you linked too!
