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Klaviyo Portfolio

  • 30 April 2024
  • 5 replies
Klaviyo Portfolio

Klaviyo Portfolio the smartest way to manage all your accounts in one place. 


“We’re really excited about the portfolio release - moving faster, saving time. It really allows us to streamline and be nimble.”

Courtney Meehan, Liberated Brands


Deeper insights- Unlock valuable insights, monitor your performance across all your brands, and identify more opportunities.

Better forecasting- Easily monitor spending with billing and usage tracking in a single view. 

Faster execution- Instantly clone all your marketing communications for a consistent customer experience.

Simpler operations- Streamline user access and secure data with centralized control.


Maximize marketing efficiency and scale across brands and regions

Global reporting- Find trends in your business by comparing all your accounts side-by-side.

Centralized management - Gain seamless control over user access and billing without the need to jump between accounts.

Cross-account cloning- Localize campaigns faster and easily replicate winning strategies across all your accounts.


Discover Klaviyo portfolio

Unlock unified insights and seamless operations, wherever your business growth takes you.

Check out for more information.


5 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +26

So excited about this - it’s a game changer for brands with multiple Klaviyo accounts, especially for us non-US folks that tends to have a lot of regional storefronts! 🙌

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

I've been exploring the features of Klaviyo Portfolio, and it sounds fantastic!


I recently set it up for a client who manages multiple brands. While I can see performance summaries for each individual brand page, I'm encountering an issue on the portfolio account where the data isn't displaying. Does anyone have insights on how to resolve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!



Userlevel 6
Badge +26

Hi @Pamela-MJ,

Thank you so much for your question!

It looks from the screenshot that the accounts aren’t selected - if you click on the dropdown below accounts, are you able to tick the accounts you want to see in the overview?

For me it shows like this:

You may also need to select the portfolio metric (normally Placed Order).

Hope that solves the problem!


Userlevel 1
Badge +7

I like that this feature allows businesses to maximize marketing efficiency, seamlessly manage user access, faster execution, and cross account cloning quickly, driving growth and success across brands and regions. Nice one from the Klaviyo team

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Big thank you!  @DavidV 


