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Edited "Confirm your subscription" AND default email are sent out

  • 29 April 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi there,


I edited the “confirm your subscription” email (and all pages related to it), by adding the logo and slightly changing the text as shown in the help center. 


This seemed to work and is sent out via email as soon as someone subscribes, however after clicking on the button in the email and accepting to get emails, I get another email about the exact same topic. It’s the default template of Klaviyo asking the same again with the button etc. 


How is this possible? After publishing the edits, only the “customized version” should be sent out, no? How can I get rid of the default Klaviyo consent email?


Or is it due to the free plan?


Thanks for your help!


2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi there @Artikuno


Welcome to the Community! Happy to help! 


Awesome to hear you’ve given your subscription confirmation emails a more personalized feel! You’re absolutely right, if you have changed this setting and know you saved the changes it shouldn’t revert. I would investigate if there is a duplicate Klaviyo accout/.js script on your website’s code. In my experience, I’ve seen this type of issue happen when there is duplicate code!


To investigate this further:

  • Go to your website
  • Right click > View Website Console
  • Control + F ‘Klaviyo’
  • See how many . js scripts  there are. There should only be one with your KA (the five letter combo that identifies your store). If there are multiple, I would suggest having your developer personally remove it! 


And then of course test again to make sure the issue is rectified! 


Hope this helps!



Hi Taylor,


Thanks for your reply!


We actually couldn’t find any jv.scripts on the website, but finally figured out that the issue was with the sign up form settings. So to click “only show one form per session”. Seems to have fixed the issue… 


Have a great day!
