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Same unique coupon code in popup success message and in email flow for the same subscriber

  • 15 August 2022
  • 2 replies

I’m using dynamic coupon codes in the signup form so that a unique code will be generated and displayed in the success message for a new subscriber. However, how can we email the same code to the same customer in the welcome flow later as well?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +58

Hi @Roman,

Welcome to the Community.

I understand that you are looking to confirm the functionality of a unique coupon used within, both, a form and a flow message. I can reassure you that as long as you use the exact same syntax (i.e. {% coupon_code 'NameofYourCoupon' %} in both elements, the unique code that is displayed within the sign up form would be the same as the unique code that your customers receive in the the follow-up confirmation email. 

Hope that helped,


Badge +2

Thank you Alex, that helps a lot :)
