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Signup discounts

  • 14 June 2022
  • 6 replies

After attending the recent seminar with Chanel and the other person, I created a signup discount form. But is there another step? I’m sure that after someone signs up, the discount won’t be automatically applied? I won’t go live with this until I can be sure it’s working. The image below is a popup.


6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +59

Hi @Kwei, can you tell us which platform you’re on? 

Typically, the Signup Form should submit the email to a Klaviyo List.  And then, you can create a Flow that’s triggered on a List Subscription.  In the Flow, you can send the email with the 20% Off code.  You can choose to send a “static coupon code” (meaning its the same code for everyone), or the better approach is to send a unique code for each subscriber. Klaviyo has a guides for both here on how to set that up:

To automatically “apply” the discount when they click on the link in the email, it depends on your ecommerce platform and how they handle discount codes programmatically.  Assuming you’re on Shopify, take a look at this guide:

Hope this helps!

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Hi, I’m using WooCommerce, if that’s what you’re referencing

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @Kwei,

@retention spot on! I’ve also explained a similar process to another Community post which I’ve linked below:

Additionally, since you’ve shared that you’re on WooCommerce, I believe you’ll also find taking a look at our Guide to Creating Coupons in WooCommerce would be helpful. 

@JayH also offers a great solution of using Smart Coupons (a plugin for WooCommerce) in order to use dynamic/unique coupons in Klaviyo from their post below:


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So could I design the discount-on-signup popup in Klaviyo and then go to WooCommerce to set up the discount?

I followed the instructions for WooCommerce coupons but when I did a test the error was “no coupon available for this product” or something to that effect, so I must have missed a step somewhere.

Where can I find out what it would cost for someone to do all this for me? I don’t think I have what it takes! If I did, I’d be working for some multi-million dollar company.


Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @Kwei,

If you need hands on help, I would recommend reaching out to anyone of our awesome Klaviyo Partners. We also have a new Upwork program to help find freelancers as well!


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Thank you
