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Why has a 'Select a list for button' alert come up when I am trying to add birthday info into my pre-existing email sign-up pop-up? And how do I fix it?

  • 7 November 2023
  • 3 replies

I followed this 

which was fab! However, I did the add to existing email sign-up pop-up option and now I want to push it live however, I got this alert:


And then when I go into fix it, I can’t see where to do it. 

Does anyone know how to fix this?



3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +59

Hi @Sabrina, welcome to the community!

It looks like you might have built a Klaviyo Signup Form, without an email address capture (or in previous steps).  You can technically do this, though it will only collect the relevant information (in your case, the Birthday) if Klaviyo can already identify the user from an existing subscriber.  If that’s what you intended, then I actually think this is a Klaviyo bug that’s still warning you that there’s no List to submit to and I would just dismiss the alert and publish it anyway.

However, if you are creating a Two-Step Form, where the first step captures the Email Opt-in, and the second step prompts for their birthday, just make sure you specify the List for the email submit button that might be tucked away in the previous step. See here:


Let us know if that resolved your issue!


Joseph Hsieh // // twitter: @retenion  


Hi Joseph, 

Thank you for replying to my query. I have actually selected a ‘list to submit’ for the email opt-in. So are you saying then I should just ignore it? I am just confused where the birthday information will go and how I can find it. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi @Sabrina


Was this resolved for you? 


I think what @retention was mentioning is that the email step ‘submit’ button might not have had a list to submit to, which is the original message you saw. However, the second step of your form should be your birthday info and doesn’t require an email and/or list submission options on this step! 


Once you capture email on the first step, any actions or properties appended to their profile will be recorded, for instance the birthday value they submit on the second step of the form!


Hope this helps!

