Does anyone know how to put two prices in my email template product block.
Like if I want to add the original price and the discounted price and it should be automated with the website prices.
Welcome to the Community,
If you are trying to show full price and discounted price in a dynamic table block in abandoned cart flow, you'd click into the dynamic table block's source and add this coding:
{% if item.compare_at_price %}<s>{% currency_format item.compare_at_price|floatformat:2 %}</s>{% else %} {% endif %} Price: {% currency_format item.line_price|floatformat:2 %}
To get to the "source" of a dynamic table:
Where to paste the coding:
Preview of event:
If you need this in a Browse Abandon flow, the coding for the source of the dynamic block would be:
<p>Price: {{ event.Price|striptags }}{% if event.CompareAtPrice != '$0.00' %} <s>{{ event.CompareAtPrice }}</s> {% else %}{% endif %}</p>
If you were trying to have this show in the Product Block (that pulls from the catalog/product feed), sadly this is not available at this time.
Hello! Thank you for your response
This solution definitely works for the items that have a discounted price, but not for the items with original price. So if the CompareAtPrice is $0.00, meaning that the item is full price, how to set up a logic in a way that it shows one price only? Can we add more conditions?
Thank you!

When selling in multiple currencies at Shopify, it’s nearly impossible to detect if Compare-at-price is relevant for the product - But I’ve made a Automated Collection in Shopify which collects all my products with a Compare at price greater than 1 and my store is only in two languages, so that way I can just listen for if the product is present in this Sales Collection and then in that case show the compare-at -price:
{% if "Sale" in event.Categories or "Tilbud" in event.Categories %}
<br /><span style="color: #b7b8b9; text-decoration: line-through;">{{ event.CompareAtPrice|striptags }}</span>
{% endif %}
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