Sticky Tutorial

Welcome Series Setup and Best Practices

  • 21 September 2020
  • 30 replies

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Badge +4

Hi @Taylor Tarpley 

Thanks for your response. I would like to clarify some of your points and have some questions about something else too. 

  1. For the customer vs non customer welcome flow, how can customers be fed into that flow? The pop-up forms (1st one and exit popup) are only set to show to non-subscribers. so I am confused how a customer would enter that flow. They are likely to already be subscribed into a customer list and thus circumventing the welcome series popup. So in what scenarios would a customer be added to a split welcome flow when that popup wouldn’t show up for them if they are already subscribed?


  1. What are some examples of segment conditions, could it be someone who abandoned a cart or browse from clicking on an email link to the product with a discount offer? Any other examples of segment conditions? 


  1. Is a win back flow something that only applies to previous customers who haven’t purchased for a while? And is a “Potential Purchaser” segment someone who abandoned a cart or product page browse? Do I need to link subscribers to the abandoned cart/browse flows to a “Potential Purchaser” segment? If so, how do I do that? 


  1. What email structure should I use for the 3 part welcome series? Discount code in the 1st email with some links to featured products? About us as a company in the 2nd email and what makes us unique, plus a reminder of the discount and links to products? And in the 3rd email, some playing tips and the promotion...or are tips to be recommended for campaign messages?


  1. In the campaign email templates, I selected the Shine Off Template as I like the look of it. The problem is the text is split into 2 columns so one block only goes half way across the page. I want the text to go all the way across in 1 column. Can I customise that template for 1 column text only? If so how? ….or do I need to choose a template that only uses 1 column text to go across the whole page?

Thank you. 

Badge +4

Hi @Taylor Tarpley could you kindly respond to my last message so I can move forward and set up the forms and messages in Klaviyo? I just need some clarity on those points so I can get started. 



Userlevel 7
Badge +61

Hi @Sunil,

Thank you for your reply.

  1. On your first point, the only pre-requisite to quality for the flow would be to join that list that triggers the flow. If any given user is in fact already subscribed to another list with your current pop-up settings to not show to existing profiles, then a user who joined another list via a Klaviyo form-fill wouldn’t be able to enter the customer vs. non-customer flow. Also keep in mind there is a distinction between a “customer” (a user who has placed an order) and a “subscriber” (a user who has explicitly filled out a sign-up form or consented to your brand in another way). It’s possible for a user to sign-up and become a subscriber without purchasing anything (being a customer) and vice versa. For example, if a user previously placed an order, and then became a subscriber after the fact, after entering the flow, they would go down the “Yes” path of the split for “Placed Order at least once over all time”.
  2. We have a plethora of articles and material on segmentation, I strongly recommend exploring our help center with particular attention to our section on lists and segments for examples and strategy. I also recommend searching the community for segment-related strategy and questions.
  3. Yes that definition of a win-back flow is correct. A win-back flow is a series of emails sent to customers who previously engaged with your brand, but have not interacted with you for a certain period of time. I recommend checking out our article on that with more information here. A potential purchaser segment includes anyone who engaged with your brand in the past month but has yet to make a purchase. It is one of our default segments. It includes users who have been “active on site” or clicked an email or viewed a product and not placed an order in the last 30 days. It won’t necessarily include users who abandoned a cart since that is a separate metric “Checkout Started”. In terms of targeting users, you should be setting up discrete flows for each of those scenarios i.e. a “Browse Abandonment” flow triggered off of Viewed Product and a “Abandoned Cart” flow triggered off of Started Checkout. For more information on these topics, I recommend checking out the full-length articles on these flows in our help center. These can be found here and here
  4. There is no single correct answer here, I recommend looking through this article on the welcome series for some tips and also check out the additional articles section at the bottom of that article for further links to blog articles on the topic. I also recommend searching the community and the help center for welcome series and campaign-sending strategy we have a lot amazing material here to assist.
  5. Yes, you can click into the “Add Columns to Email” at the bottom of the template and then select “One” and drag and drop that and the text block will span the entire email


Badge +2

Hello, this was great and very helpful. 

I have one question how do I make my flow active? It does not seem as easy as flicking a switch like the abandoned cart or customer thank you.

It is likely so easy but can not work it out and I want the email sign up mailer live. 

Thank you community 

Userlevel 7
Badge +61

Hi @David DNACBD,

Thanks for sharing this with us.

I recommend checking out our article How to Enable a Flow to Start Sending which speaks to turning flow emails live. It is no different than turning an abandoned cart or thank you flow live.

If you notice all flow emails are live but no users are entering the flow, I recommend reviewing reasons why a user may not be entering a flow here and here.

I hope that is helpful!


