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Setting up Klaviyo reviews for the first time : best strategy from 0

  • 27 November 2023
  • 3 replies

I am going to add Klaviyo reviews to my Shopify website. This is the first time that we are adding this feature. But I don´t want to launch and have 0 reviews. What strategy do you recommend?

  • Can we ask for reviews before we add the widget to the Shopify product page?
  • What has been successful for you?
  • All tips appreciated!

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +36

Hi @Danielle N

Welcome to the Community! I am excited to hear that you will be leveraging the Klaviyo Reviews product 😊

While it is technically possible to connect the Klaviyo Reviews app to your Shopify store without installing the widget to display reviews on-site, you really would only be getting half the benefit of this tool by not displaying your star ratings on your site. 

I completely understand why you would be apprehensive about installing the widget and displaying “0 reviews” on your product listings while you work to collect that feedback from your customers. But I think it’s super important that visitors on your site can see, visually, that your brand is open to feedback and accepts reviews from customers. This can be an added sense of security and validity that could push them in the direction of making a purchase.

Installing the widget does also enable review collection directly on-site, like so:

By clicking the “Write a review” button on the product listing, website visitors can review an item they previously purchased; all without needing to wait for an email request for feedback. And so installing the widget can actually be a great way to help collect more reviews!

If you had previously collected reviews on another platform, you also have the option to import reviews data from another platform into Klaviyo. This can help to “fill in” those 0 review displays you had some concerns over showing. 


Hope this helps!

-- Ashley Ismailovski

Badge +1

Thanks Ashley - much appreciated!

Userlevel 6
Badge +21

@Danielle N ,

I would also recommend reaching out to all past purchasers and asking them for a review. For this to be most effective, I would incentivize the review request. 

For example, send out an email to everyone who has purchased in the last year (or longer). The email can say something along the lines of “leave us a positive review and you’ll get 20% off your next purchase.” For the first batch, you could even make it a larger discount, maybe matching your BFCM discount, to get a couple reviews on various products. Then you can lower the discount level for future review requests. 

In general, I typically match the discount level in my review request email to my welcome series. Meaning if I have a welcome series that offers 15% off the first purchase, the post-purchase/review email also offers 15% off. This simplifies things a lot.

Hope that helps!
