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Hi there,,


I’m planning to run a giveaway using a unique signup page on website dedicated to the giveaway. How do I create a list from people who enter via this unique domain on my website? 


Thanks a lot,



Hi @brewcrew - welcome to the community.  First, if you’re using a giveaway or email capture platform that has an integration with Klaviyo, I’d use the integration so that it can push the emails into Klaviyo for you, automatically.  The nice thing with this solution is you can then automate an email to those that enter as they sign up.

Otherwise, if you can export your emails into a CSV list, you can always import them along with any custom properties into a List using Klaviyo’s import tool.  Here’s some information about that:

Hope this helps!

Hi Joseph,


So our current email signup list on shopify does integrate directly with Klaviyo. However we are now running a giveaway, where entrants can sign up to our mailing list from a different page on our site, so will still come into Klaviyo, however we want to separate people who sign up via this page from our  general sign up page, so we can keep an eye on who are contestants! 


Is this possible?

Hi @brewcrew,

If you're looking to create a Signup for customers to enter your Klaviyo Account, the best method is to Create a Signup Form to directly port into your Klaviyo list on your specific website. That being said, creating a Form won't create a new website page. What I've seen in similar situations is that brands create a new page on their eCom provider, and insert only an Embedded Signup Form on the page. 

What's particularly helpful about this is that our Signup Forms allow you to port emails to a specified List, so you can keep this group totally separated from your other Profiles and Segments. 

Please note, Klaviyo Accounts only connect with one URL. If you want the emails directly into your account, I would recommend hosting the page on your Shopify, since it looks like the integration is successfully enabled. If hosted elsewhere, you may need to repeatedly manually upload a the list of entries into your account. 

In case it's helpful, I also wanted to attach a few Help Center articles we have on giveaways and sweepstakes below:

Hope this helped!


Hi Alex,

So yes we’ve created a unique page on our Ecom provider with a signup form, but it has a generic email signup box provided by the theme developers.


So in order for it to create a unique list separate from my current email signups, I will need to embed a Klaviyo signup form? How do I go about doing this, are there some guides available?





Hi @brewcrew,

Thanks for the additional info! 

In this case, the best solution I can think of for you would be to redirect your existing signup form to a Klaviyo list! Since your signup form provided by their theme can be classified as a third party one, we can set up this redirect to redirect signups to a specific Klaviyo list.

Alternatively, you could also replace your current signup form with a Klaviyo form but I think for ease, the previously mentioned process is more efficient of your time.


All the best,


Hi Alex,

sorry for the late reply. Just to see if i am understanding it correctly, so i will create a new list for the giveaway entrants (so no one will be in the list yet). I then need to take the URL for this list and put it into the sign up page on our Shopify theme page for our giveaway sign ups?

Hi @brewcrew

Yes you are correct. So once you set up a new list within Klaviyo, you can have your Shopify form redirect to that list so the data saves there.


Have a good weekend,


How exactly can you put this code in so it redirects from Shopify onto Klaviyo. I have looked it up and can’t seem to find anyone who shows you how, thanks.

Hey @brewcrew,

Are you referring to:

<form id="email_signup" action="//" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="g" value="LIST_ID_HERE">
<input type="email" value="" name="email" id="k_id_email" placeholder="Your email" />
<button type="submit">Subscribe</button>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

If so this would be on your Shopify form and you'll need to edit your Shopify signup form code to include Klaviyo's redirect code as mentioned in this article. Just make sure to properly edit and paste the syntax so that it directs to the correct site and list.




Yes, i am a bit confused from the article as to where exactly i paste that code snippet?

Hey @brewcrew ,

That should be posted within your Shopify form code. I would recommend checking out their documentation for more precise information.




Hi Alex,

we have since decided to just try and embed a klaviyo sign up form to then go to our list. The embedding of the code i was struggling with so tried a pop up and fly out sign up form. Once an email address has been put it, it registers it as a submitted form but doesn’t put anyone into the list? I was wondering if you could help with this?

Hey there @brewcrew,

Sure thing I would be happy to assist with your new venture to forms and what might be going on.

If you have the Shopify integration synced correctly, the information gathered from a Shopify form should carry over seamlessly into Klaviyo and be added to the correct list. However, if your Shopify store has a custom theme, not a default theme, then an additional step needs to be added to your embedded form to ensure that your subscribers are synced to the correct list. You would need to add the following hidden input tag  to your form's input group: 

 <input type="hidden" name="contactctags]" value="newsletter"> 

Your form’s input group would be in your footer.liquid theme file in your Shopify theme.


If people are filling out your form but not being added to your list: 

If the number of form submissions doesn’t match the number of people in your list, subscribers might not have completed the confirmation step (if your list is set to double opt-in). It could also reflect duplicate entries. If a subscriber fills out a form repeatedly, each entry will count as one “submission” in your form analytics, but they will only appear in your list one time.

Additionally, we have a guide to the signup form builder that I would recommend for your pop out and flyout forms.

I’d suggest checking out these two posts as they might shed further light on what’s happening here. 


Why Are Email Addresses Not Syncing into Klaviyo via Shopify Password Newsletter Form?

I have a password protected landing page on my Shopify store and my subscribers aren't being added to a list. What should I do?


Hope this could help!
