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Announcing: Community Champions!

  • 2 March 2022
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Announcing: Community Champions!

Hi, Klaviyo Community! I’m Anthony from the Product Marketing team at Klaviyo 👋, and I’m so excited to announce that we have officially launched the Klaviyo Community Champions Program:medal:

What is the Klaviyo Community Champions Program? 

The Klaviyo Community Champions Program is a program for the most active and knowledgeable contributors in our online Community forum. At Klaviyo, we take pride in peer-to-peer learning – its value is immeasurable. By launching the Community Champions Program, we want to continue to encourage Community engagement by showcasing thought leadership from our top contributors. 


What are the benefits of the Program? 

 Community Champions receive: 

  • The Community Champions badge for LinkedIn and the Klaviyo Partner Directory 

  • Early access to features coming soon 

  • Invite-only group within Community 

  • Exclusive Klaviyo swag

  • End of year celebration event! :tada: 


Program Requirements: 

Klaviyo Community Champions participate in the following ways:


  • Providing at least 4 answers per month.

Customer/Developer Education – at least 1 per quarter. Options include:

  • Cohosting a Live training (Build It With Klaviyo, etc.)

  • Guest on the Customer Education Podcast or YouTube channel

  • Offering insight into Klaviyo Academy content as a mentor/industry expert

  • Sharing best practices in the Show and Tell section of Community 

  • Beta testing Customer Education Credential courses

User Groups – starting in the second half of 2022

  • Facilitating at least 1 discussion question per quarter.


What if I am not a Community Champion? 

From marketers to developers, come to the Klaviyo Community to gain inspiration from key thought leaders, as well as get answers to your Klaviyo-specific troubleshooting questions.

If you’re new to the Community or not in the Champions Program, you can benefit from our Community Champions through a variety of ways. 

As a marketer: 

  • Best practice advice from Champions on marketing strategies to implement 
  • Additional resources from Champions, including: 

    • Live trainings 

    • Podcasts & YouTube videos 

    • User Group discussions specific to your industry or role

As a developer: 

  • Access to developer-specific Champions who provide strategic & technical guidance on building with Klaviyo

  • Thought leadership from a developer’s perspective 

    • Developer-specific contributions in Show and Tell section 

  • Developer-focused User Groups


How can I join the Klaviyo Community Champions Program?


If you are interested in becoming a Community Champion, the first step is to be a consistent contributor in the Klaviyo Community. Membership is free and open to all Community members. 


The Klaviyo Community team will be opening applications for the Champions Program later in 2022, so now is the time to start engaging more with your peers! 


Who are the current Klaviyo Community Champions?

Great question! You can also find all of our Champions on our new Champions Page.

If you have any questions that are not discussed there, please feel free to ask them in the comments below. 


So, what are you waiting for?  Start your journey today to become a future Champion!

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