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Finding Targeting and Marketing on forms

I’m needing to grab a code from a waitlist form for Shopify page. Everything states to go to the targeting and marketing area of the form but I can not find this anywhere.  (I do see it on a draft form I have but not on my current live forms). The only way I seem to be able to grab this code is to turn the form to draft and then back to live for the box with the code to pop up. 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

HI @tammyb


Welcome to the Community! Happy to help! 


Are you referring to grabbing the <div> code you need to publish an embed form on your site? This should be still available when the form is live and in draft move when navigating to the ‘Targeting and behavior’ step when you first arrive in your form builder. 


Let me know if this is not achieve ing the issue you’re looking to solve and I’d be happy to help furtheR!


Badge +1

Thank you Taylor! I feel like an idiot - I was looking for it in the flow and not on the form itself 🤦🏻

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi @tammyb


Oh no, please don’t!


It takes a while to get used to the format of our platform and know where everything is, it took me a little time to get used to it too, but in no time you’ll be a pro zipping through the platform! 


Additionally, if you’re new to Klaviyo, here are some resources to get you started with a strong foundation! Make sure to join a user group based on your industry , learn from our experts in the industry, and check out our Academy courses and live trainings as well!  


Hope this helps! You’ll get the hang of it in no time, and for every step of the way, the Community is with you!

