
How to edit the "Confirm your subscription" email?

  • 5 November 2020
  • 42 replies

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Hello @tina.merconic,

I’ll be sure to update this thread when I have any available updates from our Product Team regarding rephrasing of the translated version of the double opt-in disclaimer message!

Have a great day!


Are there any news ?

Userlevel 7
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Hey @nomlyfoods,

So glad to hear that you were able to figure out a solution that works for you!

As mentioned in a previous post in this thread, because these confirmation emails pertain to collecting consent there are limits to the what can and cannot be edited. I’l share your feedback with our Product Team as I believe it could certainly help them in future endeavors!

Have a great day!


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Hi David,

Thanks for your reply. I figured it out by adding another list in Klaviyo, and only subscribers who gave consent will move into this second list.

Actually I do think that it makes sense to offer a free download combined with the possibility to subscribe, because the free download is an incentive for people to act. Just asking people to subscribe for you newsletter is not very attractive in itself and won't stimulate an action.

So I think it's worth further investigation to see whether your software can support this. Both the ability to modify the confirmation mail as well as the option to set this up more easily.

Kind regards,


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Hello @nomlyfoods,

I believe the confusion here pertains to how GDPR consent is collected within your signup form. For  starters whenever a subscriber fills out and submits a form, the form is designed to add contacts to the list associated with it. There wouldn’t be a behavior that would exclude a contact from being added to the associated list by having a field selected or not selected within the form. For this reason, those contacts who fill out your form, but do not select this specific field to be added to your newsletter would still be sent the double opt-in confirmation email requesting if they would like to confirm their subscription to your list.

Like with any Klaviyo signup forms, these GDPR fields are collected as profile properties and would not effect how the form’s intended function was. I would suggest taking a look at the Guide to Collecting GDPR Compliant Consent and Frequently Asked Questions About GDPR Help Center articles to learn more about collecting GDPR compliant consent and how to use Klaviyo forms to comply with this.

In addition, if your contacts have not opt-ed into receive email marketing materials from you then having contacts share their email address and sending them an email with a download link for your material wouldn’t make sense. Instead, I would suggest having a specific page on your website allow contacts to download your material and simply allow your signup forms to collect newsletter subscribers. 

I hope this helps!


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Hi David,

I also have a question concerning the text in the confirmation mail. On my website, people can leave their email to receive a free download via mail. In the form, in order to be GDPR compliant, people can optionally subscribe for our newsletter as well.

However, when they choose not to subscribe for the newsletter but only want to receive the free download, they get this automatic confirmation mail that states that they subscribe to a list. This is very confusing, because they just chose not to get subscribed to a mailing list. Is there an option to change this?

Kind regards,

Userlevel 7
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Hello @tina.merconic,

I’ll be sure to update this thread when I have any available updates from our Product Team regarding rephrasing of the translated version of the double opt-in disclaimer message!

Have a great day!


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Hello @tina.merconic

Thanks for sharing your feedback with the Klaviyo Community!

At this time Klaviyo does not have the capability to allow you to fully create your own confirmation emails.

Really appreciate the feedback you’ve shared with us for the translation of the double opt-in disclaimer in German. I’ll share this input with our Product Team to take a look further into this matter! 

Thanks for being a member of the Klaviyo Community!



Thank you David for your quick response!

Thanks for forwarding the info with your product team. Can you please inform me once it’s done?

Have a great day!



Userlevel 7
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Hello @tina.merconic

Thanks for sharing your feedback with the Klaviyo Community!

At this time Klaviyo does not have the capability to allow you to fully create your own confirmation emails.

Really appreciate the feedback you’ve shared with us for the translation of the double opt-in disclaimer in German. I’ll share this input with our Product Team to take a look further into this matter! 

Thanks for being a member of the Klaviyo Community!


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Hi dear team,

We’ve noticed there’s a lot of text in the email confirmation template that we cannot change.

Unfortunately, a lot of this text in German is not a very good translated which means some bad reputation for us when customers read the text. Currently, there’s no consistency in the “du” and “Du” (it should only be one of them - the modern form is to write it as “du”).

“Wenn Du du dich nicht für diesen Newsletter angemeldet hast oder nicht sicher bist, warum du diese E-Mail erhalten hast, musst Du du diese E-Mail nicht weiter beachten. Du wirst nur zum Newsletter angemeldet, wenn Du du auf den obigen Link klickst.

Falls Du du Fragen hast, kannst Du du auf diese E-Mail antworten. NAME bei email.


The last two sentences don’t really make much sense in German, so it should rather be:

“Falls du Fragen hast, kannst du gerne auf diese Mail antworten oder an schreiben.”


Is there a way how to change this?

I was also thinking if we can create our own email confirmation templates and implement them in Klaviyo. How can we do that?


Thanks a lot for your help!!


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Hello @ibl_user,

Great question!

At this time, you would not be able to rename the subject line of the confirmation email from “Confirm your email” to something else. Nor would it be possible to adjust the “Yes, i want to subscribe” phrasing for the button. Because this email pertains to collecting consent, the phrase requires it to be as apparent as possible to your subscribers that they are sharing explicit consent to be joining your marketing list. For this reason, there are limited editing capabilities for this email. 

I hope this helps!


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My question: is it possible to rename subject “Confirm your email” and for example the button “Yes, i want to subscribe” in the double-opt in emails? I did not found this feature.

Thanks for answer!


Userlevel 7
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Hello @Seizoenstunter,

You can edit the double opt-in confirmation email by navigating to the list that your subscribers are being added to, going to the Subscribe & Preference Pages at the top, and clicking into the Email confirmation option. Here, you can find the template to edit the double opt-in confirmation email that gets sent out to your subscribers when they signup to join a list. Keep in mind that since this confirmation email pertains to collecting a subscriber’s consent, only certain aspects of this email can be customized, as denoted by the boxes outlined by the dashed lines. You can learn more about editing these list specific subscribe and preferences pages from the Understanding Opt-in Related Pages for a List article. 

If you wish to disable the double opt-in confirmation email, you can do so by navigating to the specific list’s setting pages and enabling/selecting the Single Opt-In option for the list.  Double opt-in is highly recommended to minimizing abuse and preventing the accumulation of invalid or mistyped emails and phone numbers within your list. I would recommend taking a look at the Guide to The Double Opt-In Process guide to learn more about this process.

Hope this helps!


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Hi Klaviyo, 

Is it also possible to delete or adjust the email conformation mail? So the people don’t get the conformation email? 

Userlevel 1
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I have another small issue instead:

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Solution: You can find the form under 

Lists & Segments > Newsletter > Subscribe & Preference Pages > Email Confirmation

Userlevel 6
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Thanks for letting us know you were able to get this resolved @sipcult! If you have any suggestions for future users who may have a question like this, feel free to share your tips and tricks! 

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