
Use Google Annotations

  • 6 December 2020
  • 35 replies

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@jingrid Any updates on getting this to work? I’d like to have annotations added to our emails but the code is being stripped. Even with the CSS optimization turned off and other scenarios presented earlier in this thread.

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I have the code working inside Googles Preview Tool, but it doesn’t actually work when Klaviyo sends it out.

I think it has to do with Klaviyo blocking scripts so you need to use Microdata.

Then even once you have the Microdata and add it to the email head section, Klaviyo moves all that code to the body.

Even with the gmail promo annotations microdata code being added inside the body, the preview tool shows it working, but when testing, I could never get it to show up in the email once Klaviyo delivers it to a Gmail recipient.

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Would love to hear from anyone that has got this working, particularly anyone managing to get carousel images to show in Promotions tab. For me, after following all the steps from Google and mentioned about, still not seeing the annotations/images.

Sorry I forgot to quote your message to reply. Hope you see my message above and Klaviyo can shed some light on this.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @AdirMaelys and @itailu


Curious, did you get this to work while testing? I’ve tried what Google suggested in creating an email that ends with and have it being sent to the Promotions tabs, but can’t seem to get the annotations to show up in my inbox. 


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I also want to add this code to my promotional emails. Klaviyo team, please fix it of us!

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Hi @AdirMaelys and @itailu, @jingrid 


Did you guys successfully add the code? I tried a few different ways, but I can’t make it work. 
Please let me know!


Thank you,


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No luck over here, we gave up implementing it on our side - with no one from Klaviyo’s side that can look at it and try it “hands-on”.

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For one, you have to convert your template to HTML, then you can add the microdata version – the script ones get removed.

However, still no luck getting dynamic content to display.

For example, instead of static 
<meta itemprop="reservationNumber" content="abc456"/>
I need
<meta itemprop="reservationNumber" content="{{ event.reservation_id }}"/>

Going to try do it inline...

Userlevel 6
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Hi @AdirMaelys

Thanks for your first post in the Community, and for asking such a great question! I am personally not too familiar with Google Annotations, so I’d be interested if others are using it and have opinions or thoughts to share. 

I do know though, that Google Annotations does not work in the Klaviyo drag-and-drop template editor. In order to utilize Google Annotations, I’d recommend looking through this article on importing Custom HTML Template, as you’ll need to custom-code the email. 


Perhaps there are Partners in the Community that have experience with this, too! 



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When I try add metric event data, it breaks. 

Was the above example static or dynamic?
