Hello guys, hope your holiday season was successful.
My name is Adir, I am the CRM manager at Maelys Cosmetics.
I have a question for you all, did someone tried to use Google Annotations?
Pre show the image, coupon? If you have any tips or tricks, that can be great.
We would like to take our email marketing activity to the next level after conquering email automation, segmentation, SMS campaigns and all Klaviyo’s best practices.
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@Klaviyo Team where are we with this?
Every other ESP has support for this now. When will this be integrated into your editor?
Would love to hear from anyone that has got this working, particularly anyone managing to get carousel images to show in Promotions tab. For me, after following all the steps from Google and mentioned about, still not seeing the annotations/images.
Hi @AdirMaelys@Mailbox Manny -- Apologies for the delay here. There’s actually a setting in your Klaviyo account that, when unchecked, will allow your HTML snippets stay untouched (under Accounts > Settings > Email > CSS optimization), which in turn, will enable your Google Annotations to function properly.
Are there any updates on Klaviyo's Gmail annotation feature?
I tried disabling CSS settings, making emails from pure HTML, and adding microdata for Gmail annotation, but got no result .:(
Should be a feature in the email drag and drop. Give me a spot to store it. Klaviyo you guys render the Google syntax. I’m surprised this isn’t a feature at this point. Right now I’m scrolling through my gmail looking at all the other brands using this. It’s compelling!! And I can’t do it unless I switch to html template and increase the work effort. Where’s the easy button?
Not really, unfortunately. I tried a few ways to test, but none ended up like I was hoping.
I’ve been on other projects since, but plan to try get this working somehow!
1st, the fact that someone implement the code dosn’t mean that all clients will see it the same.
2nd When I tried to implement the HTML code, I stepped out from the code and entered to the rubric code again and the platform deletes the header content.
Please check it yourself, implement the code, save it, step out and then enter again to the code. Is it still there?
For those following this thread, I was able to successfully code this markup using microdata that did not get stripped from Klaviyo templates (like the json script) and successfully rendered in the gmail app in a test email. Here is the code that should be placed underneath the opening <body> tag in your email. In the example below, the schema elements match those shown in the Email Annotations previewer on the Google Developers Site.
The reason why the Google Annotations sample code isn’t working is because, by default, <script> tags get stripped from Klaviyo templates, hence why you would create a template, paste in the sample code, and it would be gone when you click back into your template.
A workaround you can try is to specify these annotations using Microdata schema instead. The sample code uses JSON-LD, which is to be put into a script tag in the head of your HTML. Microdata schema can be used in the body of your HTML, which is compatible with Klaviyo templates. See here for more details.
<!-- The below .png is your logo --> <meta content="https://www.gstatic.com/images/branding/product/1x/googleg_48dp.png" itemprop="logo" />
<!-- The below .png is the image that shows in the Promotions inbox --> <div itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/PromotionCard"> </div> <meta content="https://gmail-ads-markup-test.sandbox.google.com/sample.png" itemprop="image" />
<!-- The below contains the description, discount code, and discount availability to display --> <div itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/DiscountOffer"> </div>
<!-- This contains the description for the discount --> <meta content="20% off full-price styles" itemprop="description" />
<!-- This contains the code for the discount --> <meta content="20OFF" itemprop="discountCode" />
<!-- This contains the availability start date for the discount --> <meta content="2021-01-01T08:00:00-07:00" itemprop="availabilityStarts" />
<!-- This contains the availability end date for the discount --> <meta content="2021-12-30T23:59:59-07:00" itemprop="availabilityEnds" />
Curious to find out if there are any updates here, or discussed in another thread @Taylor Tarpley?
I’ve managed to get deal annotations working to some extent, by simply adding the microdata html to a text block in the campaign editor, but not the product carousel.
I can confirm this works (or rather, doesn’t work) the same for me.
After I save the email it will just remove all the annotations part. Tried using a template but it behaves the same.
Klaviyo, any news about that?
Any luck on this? I can't seem to make it work even with the fix that @gjoyce-SHEEX posted.
No, I spend a lot of time on it and failed to succeed.
I guess google determines who they want to show it to or not.
But you’ve managed to send the email with the code inside? Have you tried sending it to a large audience?
They must make it more simple like Optimove. Why it is so complicated in Klaviyo like AMP, we are in 2021 not 2015.
@itailu Good catch. One thing I noticed in what I shared was that the divs weren’t properly scoped. In order to match what Google provided in its documentation (linked in my previous post), we need to make sure each div encapsulates the relevant meta tags.
<!-- The below .png is your logo --> <meta content="https://www.gstatic.com/images/branding/product/1x/googleg_48dp.png" itemprop="logo" /></div>
<!-- The below .png is the image that shows in the Promotions inbox --> <div itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/PromotionCard"> <meta content="https://gmail-ads-markup-test.sandbox.google.com/sample.png" itemprop="image" /></div>
<!-- The below contains the description, discount code, and discount availability to display --> <div itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/DiscountOffer">
<!-- This contains the description for the discount --> <meta content="20% off full-price styles" itemprop="description" />
<!-- This contains the code for the discount --> <meta content="20OFF" itemprop="discountCode" />
<!-- This contains the availability start date for the discount --> <meta content="2021-01-01T08:00:00-07:00" itemprop="availabilityStarts" />
<!-- This contains the availability end date for the discount --> <meta content="2021-12-30T23:59:59-07:00" itemprop="availabilityEnds" /> </div> </p>
Hi, I wonder if you guys can do the annotations, I tried both steps, but still failed.
Whatever I paste on Klaviyo’s editor gets stripped! - see attached.
This is not working for me.
I don’t see how this thread is marked as SOLVED?
Note: I checked the allow CSS options under my account settings.
I added both this code and it didn’t populate in Gmail and also the code they provide in this page.
Seems to not work, can someone help by sharing a workable code and maybe a template that goes with it?
Playing with this today and still no luck. Seems real surprising that Klaviyo won’t fix this so emails can stand out better in the Gmail promo tab.
Also wondering if there are any updates on getting the annotation to work?
While trying to troubleshoot this issue, I think I found the reason why the annotation is failing to render.
Before I dive into it, and for full disclosure:
We are testing this with a Single Image annotation, which follows the same format as the product carousel one
We are using microdata, not JSON
We disabled embedded styles as suggested earlier by @Taylor Tarpley
We are testing this with HTML email, not those made in the Klaviyo editor. Any microdata is stripped completely from the text field in Klaviyo editor as soon as you hit Save.
I am not a coder/developer by any stretch of imagination
When the test email arrived to our test gmail account (one made specifically for testing this feature, that ends with promotabtesting@gmail.com), the code has been changed and now appears as:
When I paste this transmogrified code back into the Gmail Annotation Preview Tester, it will not render and displays error messages as such:
The changed order of arguments in the meta tag should not make a difference, but I did notice that every instance of “=” became “=3D” %3D is Unicode for an equal sign, but here 3D is preceded by an actual equal sign, not a percent sign.
So I started manually changing each instance of =3D and the code started to render bit by bit as I hit “Preview” with each change
When all of the instances of =3d are changed back, the preview tool renders the annotation same as the original code - the order of the supplied argument does not matter.
I’ve opened a support ticket with Klaviyo to see if there’s any news on this, and to find out when and how we can start using this feature. If anyone else has any other info, please scream from the rooftops.
Hey Ingrid.
Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work.
The template does save with the annotations, but the email comes to Gmail without them in its body.
Can you please check it on your side? Maybe it strips down the tags before sending?