
Klaviyo Reviews are here!

Klaviyo Reviews are here!
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Hi Klaviyo Community!


Have you heard the news?! Klaviyo reviews are here!


That means the Integrations category just became the Integrations and Reviews category!


You can now collect, promote, and learn from customer reviews directly in Klaviyo. Then, surface review content across your owned channels, like your website and emails. Since all of your customer data exists in one place, you can get even more targeted and personalized in your messaging. 


🚀 Get started today with the following resources:


🗣 Let us know: what are you most excited for with reviews?




32 replies

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Planning any integrations for other platforms?  Like Maropost/Neto?

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Does Reviews only work with Shopify? 

Badge +3

Hi there,


Is the Klaviyo reviews product available via API at all? It seems like the only place I can collect reviews right now is in the shopify store and in the link sent via email or text. What if I want to support reviews in my mobile app? Is there any way to submit reviews collected by a 3rd party to Klaviyo?

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Hi, I am having major issues with the review integration an this is making me strongly consider moving to another platform ( and very possibly all email activity as well to keep everything in one place). My issues are as follows:

  1. Even though customers with email addresses and names associated have active profiles in our system, the “author” names that are automatically generated are not consistent or correct. some is part of their email, some have a lowercase letter for their last name initial
  2. when in the carousel format, how is it possible to see the entire text in the review? Ideally, it should be a pop up to the one full text with media of just that review, but we aren’t getting that or anything else. Its only acting like a link to the product. 
  3. There is no option to have the product listed in the carousel format. Possible to add?
  4. lack of support!!!!!!! We even went to an “office hours” session and all they could merely do was suggest we contact support. However, because we are a very small business just launching, and passed 60 days after creating (Not actually using!!!) the account there is zero support available outside of community forms….. the 60 days of support should be, at minimum, from the time activity starts in the account since many people get their systems up long before they are ready to get going.  (the entire lack of support is asinine - don't you WANT people to be successful who are small businesses and have yet to upgrade their account but would very possibly in the near future??? Otherwise this is a clear reason to drop and switch to a different platform) The lack of support has resulted in a very unprofessional roll out of our communications (and reviews!) and we have had to “figure everything out” on our own.

Are we able to add a header to our featured reviews carousel? I just moved over from Judge.Me and when adding the Klayvio carousel it doesnʻt give an option to add a header. 


I also would love to be able to take out the photo option for the carousel. Is that an option that could be added in the future?  It gives the option for size photos only. 


I have just started to install the new reviews feature. Unfortunately I have already hit a roadblock as I cannot add a block or section to my default product page as per the instructions. I have a Shopify 2.0 theme. There is no option to do this, can anyone help with this as I would love to get it working! Or where can I access help to install, and not the website instructions as this is getting me nowhere!


Userlevel 3
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Hi @Taylor Tarpley - could you possibly help. Do you know if there is a way to get a full page on my Shopify store that shows all the Klaviyo reviews I’ve collected thus far? 


Userlevel 3
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Hello @lollygag,

Welcome to the Klaviyo Community!

I would suggest taking a look at our Understanding Klaviyo reviews pricing Help Center article which breaks down the pricing for the review feature further. 

But your understanding is correct! If you're a new store and don’t yet exceed 50 orders per month, it wouldn’t cost you anything to use the review feature. 

You can also see the chart below outlining the first 6 Klaviyo reviews pricing tiers: 

Max monthly number of Orders

Klaviyo reviews monthly cost
















Hi @David To - could you possibly help. Do you know if there is a way to get a full page on my Shopify store that shows all the Klaviyo reviews I’ve collected thus far? 


Userlevel 7
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Hi there again @ghostzicht 


If you'd like to add star ratings under a product name on a collection page, you'll need to edit your theme files and add the code snippet below within the product grid. 
<div class="klaviyo-star-rating-widget" data-id="{{}}" data-product-title="{{product.title}}" data-product-type="{{product.type}}"></div>

Hope this helps!


Badge +3

Hi, i would like to add a star rating to products on the collection pages, i use the Symmetry Theme (Shopify). Where in the code do i have to put the code snippet in ?

Userlevel 7
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Hi all! 


While there has been no update since my colleague David’s reply last month, we will update you all here if there is news on other integration support with Klaviyo reviews.




Yes, we are looking to join klaviyo and use woocommerce, reviews would seal the deal.

What about other integrations like Woocommerce and Shopware, will they also get reviews integration? If yes, when?

So we would really like to use the Product review, but the lack of supported languages is a big upset. We can’t be using this product before it’s available in Danish, and I'm guessing it’s going to take a while. Such a shame. 

I hope it will be easy to transfer reviews from other platform since we will be using them at least in the meantime.   

Userlevel 7
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Hey @taylorlane,

Great question!

Although we don’t have a timeline to share on when Klaviyo’s review feature will be available for non-Shopify platforms, it is certainly something our Product Teams are exploring! 

With such a big product enhancement, you can be sure there will be some announcements surrounding an update to this feature. 


When will this be available for non-shopify platforms? We are deciding whether to renew our contract with Yotpo and would like to consolidate our services with Klaviyo if possible. But if non-shopify platform support is many months or years away, we will have to look elsewhere.

Userlevel 7
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Hey @emorgannn,

The bug from about a month ago was resolved shortly after my last comment. What you’re seeing is actually expected behavior as we mentioned in the How to request reviews from your customers with Klaviyo reviews flows article:

Once the review is submitted, they’ll see a confirmation page with a button directing back to your homepage. Note that generally, first and last name appear in the Display name field, but only the first name and last initial will appear on your site. 

Since customer you’re previewing as has a first and last name listed, they’ll be pulled into the preview to demonstrate how it would look. Even if your customer doesn’t change/update what is pulled in automatically, Klaviyo will only display someone's first name and last initial on the review itself when published. 

It is currently not supported to send review requests to past customers. This is also called out in our Klaviyo reviews data reference Help Center article:

Ready to review events are only triggered for orders placed after you begin using Klaviyo reviews. It is not possible to retroactively populate the Ready to review metric with past orders. 


One solution to this though would be creating a segment to capture customers who’ve previously purchased and sending them a one time campaign requesting them to review. Because this would not be sent out through the reviews flows, your customers would not receive the same experience. However, they should be able to still leave you a review on the product. 

If you haven’t already, I would also encourage you to take a look through some of our resources we offer on reviews. I’ve included a link to our Help Center section which houses all our articles and guides on reviews:


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I am also wondering if it is possible to back load people into the review and reward flo?


For example:

  1. Email sends to people who have placed an order in the last 3 months requesting a review.
  2. If they leave a review, they then enter the flo that sends them a discount for leaving a review. 


Because the reviews are a new thing, I would love to send out a big email to the last 3 months of orders to collect their reviews and then proceed like normal - someone orders, 7 days later they get a request. 


How do I proceed with this? 


Thank you!

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@David To 


You mentioned a month ago that the developers were working on the bug to fix reviews showing people’s full name. Is there any update on this? 


When I go to preview the email, it automatically shows their full name. How do I fix this?


Thanks heaps.


Userlevel 7
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Hey @pawsquadau,

Have you consulted a developer on this?

In my experience, this sounds like there may be some code conflict on your site that may be preventing that button from appear. I’ve typically seen this happen if you have some CSS overriding certain aspects of your site - especially if the rest of the Klaviyo review widget is displaying without issues. 

If you need an introduction to a developer, I would encourage you to reach out to some of our wonderful Klaviyo Partners through our Klaviyo Partners Directory


HI team,


I just installed the new Reviews app and I’m really disappointed. The default links that point the customer to a review are not a good user experience. Currently when a customer clicks on the link, it takes them to the “review” section of the product page. The customer then has to click on “write a review” to complete. That extra step is really bad. What should happen is the link in the email should take the customer directly to the review landing page, where they can click the number of stars, enter some comments and hit submit. Please fix this!

Yes we have the same complain where sometimes write the review button is not appearing on the website as well. Not sure if it is our theme but it only happen to a few iPhone cutomers.

Userlevel 7
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Hello @HJohnston and @emorgannn 

Can you both confirm if you’re sending reviews out from our prebuilt reviews flow titled Klaviyo Reviews: Review request? In my experience, what you’re describing sounds more like the behavior from our classic product review flow titled Product review/cross-sell: standard. 

When a review email from the prebuilt reviews flow is sent out, recipients who open the email and click on one of the star ratings, they’ll be automatically brought to a special link. This link will show the star rating they’ve selected in the email and allow them to add more details to their review before submitting it. So leaving a review really is:

  1. Opening the review email
  2. Clicking the star rating
  3. Adding more details to the review
  4. Click “done”

The experience that you should be getting would be similar to the one you’re describing, @HJohnston.

To learn more about reviews, I would suggest taking a look at some of the resources we offer on this feature which I’ve included below:




Badge +2

I agree with above. 


A lot of unfortunate unnessecary steps involved with the Klayvio review process. Would be even better for the customer to be able to provide their rating and comment in the email, much like other review platforms do.


Disappointing Klayvio. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @hkalebjian!

Thank you for the honest feedback, I will definitely surface this request to our Reviews team!



Badge +2

HI team,


I just installed the new Reviews app and I’m really disappointed. The default links that point the customer to a review are not a good user experience. Currently when a customer clicks on the link, it takes them to the “review” section of the product page. The customer then has to click on “write a review” to complete. That extra step is really bad. What should happen is the link in the email should take the customer directly to the review landing page, where they can click the number of stars, enter some comments and hit submit. Please fix this!
