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Looks like I maybe did a party foul by not replying correctly?

Here’s my info . . .


  • What's your name? Hi All! My name is Rick Gregory and I’m now in Huntington Beach, CA
  • What are you most passionate about? I’m passionate about connecting people, products, and Businesses.
  • Where do you work and what is your role? I’m a semi-retired Floorcovering contractor, now working as a consultant to a couple companies who have asked me to help them get their online marketing set up and humming . . .
  • What’s one thing you love most about your company? I love that I can work from anywhere in the world (my wife and I have lived in Uganda, So Sudan, Philippines and Bolivia). I’m hoping Klaviyo will work for me, despite my work not being primarily focused on an ecommerce store.
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Hi Robbin @Violetbodyme 

So great to meet you, and thanks for joining our growing Klaviyo Community – we’re so excited to have you here! We’re thrilled to learn more about Violet Botanical Skincare, and your journey in growing your business. Also, love that you’re in a running group with marathon members. Have you done a marathon yourself? Sometimes I think about if I could work up to it, but I can barely motivate myself to finish a 5k 😅 I’ll take it one day at a time! 

We’re looking forward to hearing more about your ecommerce journey, and any strategies/learnings from your experience with Klaviyo. 



Hi Cass,

Thank you for your welcome to the group.

No, I’ve never ran a marathon nor do I have the desire.🤣🤣 A 10K is my limit.

Take care,


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Hi Robbin @Violetbodyme 

So great to meet you, and thanks for joining our growing Klaviyo Community – we’re so excited to have you here! We’re thrilled to learn more about Violet Botanical Skincare, and your journey in growing your business. Also, love that you’re in a running group with marathon members. Have you done a marathon yourself? Sometimes I think about if I could work up to it, but I can barely motivate myself to finish a 5k 😅 I’ll take it one day at a time! 

We’re looking forward to hearing more about your ecommerce journey, and any strategies/learnings from your experience with Klaviyo. 



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Hi @stephanieavocado

A very belated welcome and hello to you! We’re so excited for you to join us here in the Community forum, and thanks so much for sharing more about Avocado Mattress! So cool to see a green (pun intended?) company that focuses on responsible and natural materials that keeps our planet top of mind 🌎🥑

Love that you’ve traveled to Big Bend - it’s SO beautiful there! I’m trying to visit as many National Parks as possible, but the list is incredibly long. I really enjoyed Mammoth Cave on a more recent trip, and would recommend it as one of the funkier parks to visit! 

If you get the chance, I’d love if you’d share a recipe you enjoyed from your “traveling the world” kitchen experience! Sounds like a super fun activity, given the global circumstances. As a fellow foodie myself, I low-key wouldn’t mind a mattress made of avocados...avocados are in hot demand with all the toast its making! lol 

So great to meet you, and thanks again for joining us here! We’re excited to hear more about your marketing journey with Avocado Mattress and Klaviyo! 


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I’m Robbin. I’m passionate about fitness (strength training) and wellness overall. I run with a women’s running group that has several marathoners as members. They are inspiring especially since most of them are retired, mature women. Boy, do they have energy that put younger people to shame.:laughing:

As the Founder and Botanical Formulator of Violet Botanical Skincare, I love formulating plant-based skincare. I’m a believer that using and doing less to our skin is better.

I look forward to being a part of this community.


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Hi @DanJacobs

So great to have you here in the Klaviyo Community and welcome! Thanks for the kind words about the forum – we’re still growing and tweaking to make sure it’s the best space for conversation and growth for our customers and partners, so please feel free to share any feedback you have with me. 

Love hearing more about Samadhi Marketing, and how you average out top performing blog post campaigns! If there are any insights, tips or learnings from these analysis you conduct, we’d love to hear about it our Show and Tell section of the Community! 

We’re thrilled to have you here with us, and we look forward to seeing you share your expertise and knowledge with others! 
p.s. Pocket Wolf has INCREDIBLE eyes! What a majestic photo! 

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Hey @cassy.lee, great intro to the forum message! I’m Dan Jacobs, great work on the new forum.

I’m the Founder/CEO of Samadhi Marketing, a full-service email, blog content, and SMS Gold Master Partner agency.

My personal passions include hosting Wim Hof Method Workshops, teaching yoga, swimming in the ocean, and obsessing over my dog, Pocket Wolf.

Our team is passionate about utilizing Klaviyo to grow our clients’  businesses into brand authorities, nurturing tailored relationships between our clients’ brands and their customers, and pushing the boundaries of Klaviyo through custom flows.

Personally, the one thing I love most about Samadhi Marketing is how we combine Klaviyo’s campaign and flow capabilities with the blog posts we publish. Every quarter, we average out which blog post campaign topics performed the best and use Klaviyo engagement data to shape the next quarter. We also work alongside our clients’ support teams to create articles around products such as care, installation, maintenance, etc. and plug these blog posts in appropriate pre and post-purchase flows.

Here’s to exponential growth! 🎉 

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Howdy :cowboy: ! My name is Stephanie. It’s rad to be here. :metal:

I am the CRM & Retention Marketer for Avocado Mattress, an organic and sustainable mattress company from LA. :avocado: No, our mattresses are not made from Avocados. lol 

I’m most passionate about music. Any Poly-Ritmo or Turkish funk fans here? I also enjoy the outdoors and hiking. My favorite place is in Big Bend National Park. Also, I’m a big foodie. I’m always looking for a hole-in-the-wall spot in my town. This year, I’ve spent a lot of time “traveling the world” via my kitchen since the pandemic started.

Happy to be a part of the community!


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what are your bets for the 14th Doctor?

If I am being honest, I haven’t followed Doctor Who much after Capaldi’s penultimate season. After the magnum opus that was Hell Bent, I struggled to follow the subsequent episodes and a few from Jodie Whittaker’s run, but I was not able to jive with her.

I would love to see Idris Elba as the Doctor, but that’s a pipe dream.

I am very thankful for the community discussions, because I am learning a lot about the ins and outs of the platform, and I really want to let you know that you guys have been awesome with partner enablement and support in the context of valuable content that you have provided in the portal. 

I will definitely check out that course- always love ready about behavioral psychology. 

I will be sure to pop in on other threads too.


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Hey Bhaskar @bhas

Thanks for sharing such a fun intro - your meme game is strong :ok_hand: :joy: and your kitties are perfect (what are your bets for the 14th Doctor?). 

I’m really happy that you introduced yourself to the Community (after some time lurking!), and I’m looking forward to seeing you pop in on some posts if you have any strategies/tips to share with others here. It sounds like you have lots of experience, and might be able to share more on doubling down with Flows!

Also, the accuracy of the Batman meme – of course, while I don’t condone violence of any kind...your point on promotions that don’t establish trust or connection is a good one! We actually have a course around The Psychology of Coupons in our Academy that goes over some of the best practices of using coupons throughout the customer lifecycle. 

Thanks for the intro, the laughs, and a perfectly executed Drake meme. Hope to see you in other threads soon! 

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Hi @Benjamin at GROWTH Croissance

WOW! Thanks so much for being a part of our Community, and sharing so many of the neat accomplishments you’ve made throughout your life. Traveling across the Atlantic alone is quite a remarkable feat! 

We’re thrilled to have a Master Partner from France join us in the Community, and I’m looking forward to our members learning more from you and your strategies with driving revenue attribution! 


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Hi Darren @hannahs-puresupplements

Thanks so much for joining the Klaviyo Community, and for sharing more about you and your wife’s journey with Hannah’s Pure Supplements. We’ve heard a lot of stories over the past year about businesses pivoting from brick and mortar to online due to the pandemic, and I can’t imagine how that change has impacted the way you have to operate.

There are many folks in the Community that have experienced similar scenarios, and I’m sure that if you posted a Conversation thread (I’d recommend a Conversation instead of a Question, unless it is more Klaviyo specific) with some general questions/advice you might be looking for, other Community members can chime in with some suggestions. 

Looking forward to hearing more from you about Hannah’s Pure Supplements in this forum, and hoping we can all share some guidance around running a business during such a difficult time. 

Kind regards,

Hello and thanks for accepting me into the group.

Our small company was a bricks and mortar family business (Health Store) run by my wife and I before the covid situation changed the world.

We have now closed our shop for good back in Sept 2020 and converted to online only. We sell vitamins, minerals, herbal and beauty products via our woocommerce store.

This has been a huge change around in the way that we operate and are finding it difficult to generate quality web traffic here in the UK.

I had known of mailchimp but Klaviyo seems to be more effective by reading the info online. Would anyone consider being a kind of mentor to us to help re-grow?

Thank you


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Hi Cassy, Hi Klaviyo’s Community!

Benjamin here from South Of France. I’m a Geek, Mountain lover, Sailor, Entrepreneur, Iconoclast, Passionate.

I followed my own path until I was 32, passionate about the mountains and climbing then the sea and travel, fascinated by aviation. I bought a sailboat at 23 and crossed the Atlantic alone, I made it my job, I have always found a use for my curiosity for computers in all the adventures that it has been to me given to live.

During the pandemic, I get back on new IT project with my old company and friend Cédric TASSAN founder of www.vtopo.fr, first with Mailchimp but when I discovered Klaviyo we was amazed by all the possibility who was offer to us ! And I create my own company, get quickly new customers and enjoy my new life as one of the rare Klaviyo Master Partner in France :-)

I love to see the face of my clients when they attempt their first GROWTH Review Meeting at week 6 of my onboarding process… between 20% and 30% of revenue attribution from what we do for us, so quickly, AMAZING!

Love you all!

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Hi everyone

My name is Bhaskar and I have been lurking quite a lot: this is my first post. 

I live in the crazy bustling city of Bombay (aka Mumbai) in India, and share my living space with three cats that go by Rory. Amy and Clara (give me a shoutout if you are a Whovian).

Rory loves to take up all the space on my table


I am passionate about a whole lot of things, like

  • traveling and hiking (looking forward to making up for 2020’s missed trips)
  • history, especially military history
  • understanding why people buy a particular product (or idea)

I love writing (you can see some of my email focused posts here), but I am even more partial to using memes to illustrate complex concepts while keeping it light and fun. :sunglasses:

My take on some ecommerce brands and their always on promotional emails that don’t establish connection and trust with the customer (Instagram)


I am a Klaviyo Silver partner and a one-man band at Pixels and Clicks and I work with small and mid-level DTC/eCommerce brands to:

  • Work out an email strategy that keeps in mind the brand story, the industry dynamics, and most importantly, consumer needs ( I use jobs-to-be-done framework for this)
  • Set up the important email flows that your store needs, write the copy and run A/B tests
  • Also work on different campaigns
  • Run regular reporting and analytics so that performance can be improved.

While I am a power Canva user and experienced in conversion centered design, I prefer to leave the design part of emails with people who are much better at that job than me.

When in doubt, embrace flows over campaigns. Automated flows are a money spinner (check out this post based on Klaviypo data)

I prefer working with clients for at least a few months as an integral part of their team so that I can understand their business, their customers and the market. 

I am proficient at research, and there’s no topic that I can’t break down: I started my career as a B2B copywriter working to make high tech companies sound more business friendly on the internet. 

I have also launched brands, designed sites and landing pages and can give you deep insights on how to optimize your landing pages, sign up forms or checkout for a higher conversion rate

I am looking forward to helping brands realize the crazy profit potential of email, so that they don’t have to depend on capricious social media or search algorithms for their revenue. 

If there’s any way I can help you or if you just want to chat, please drop me a message ( I also hang out a lot on Twitter)

You are my people :laughing:




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Hi Denise @denise.b! Sorry for the delay in responding back but thanks SO much for your introduction! It’s so great to learn more about you and Ecom Department - a well-placed GIF tells a lot about a person, in my opinion! 
I’m thrilled to hear that you’re learning to code and hope we have the opportunity to see all that you’ve learned as it applies to Klaviyo! Definitely don’t hesitate to share some of your learnings in our Marketing and Sales forum topic as you grow. We’d love to follow along the journey. 

It’s so great to learn more about you, and I look forward to seeing your thoughtful feedback in the threads here. It sounds like you and the team at Ecom Department have a lot of experience to bring to the table! 

p.s. Love playing Cuphead! Although, I have been stuck on the Cagney Carnation boss for literally 2 years :joy:


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@fireofcoals Hi Lawrence, It’s so great to meet you, and thanks for being a part of our Klaviyo Community. I always love a good origin story, and it sounds like Fire of Coals was born from a lot of history throughout the years! In particular, I love that you share your recipes on your site, which brings the feeling of togetherness all the more closer (and isn’t that what a good BBQ is all about?). 
Thanks for sharing more about you and your business, and we’re looking forward to hearing more about your business growth and learnings through Klaviyo in the threads! 
All the best, 

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Hi @Leslie Nicole - we’re so thrilled to have you as a part of our Klaviyo Community! Thanks for sharing a little more about your business! I’d love to see your work if you’re open to sharing a link to your store. I’m so glad to hear that your experience on Klaviyo so far has been empowering - we’re excited to continue to build out great resources for our customers and I’m certain through this Community forum, you’ll be supported by brand builders and Klaviyo experts from across the world who have learned from one another. 

Cheers to you! 
p.s. Boomer is a vizsla but we’re also biiiiig fans of weimaraners too! They have such stunning eyes and are so agile. 

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  • What's your name? 
    • Lawrence
  • What are you most passionate about?
    • Cooking over a wood fire burnt down to embers, a Fire of Coals.  Where do you work and what is your role?
  • What’s one thing you love most about your company?
    • I love that our business was founded on long-standing traditions of BBQ gatherings on my grandfather’s farm in the Carolina Low Country.
    • I also love that we use a portion of our sales revenue to donate to outdoor conservation non-profits fighting to protect wild places and wildlife for the next generation to enjoy.
    • I am looking forward to learning how to use Klaviyo to better reach and connect to other outdoor cooks with passion.
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Hi I am new to this platform.

My name is Kathrin and I am most passionate about my business.

I make healthy desserts plant-based, low-carb no added sugar and they are also gluten-free. 

during the pandemic we had to pivot and this is my new baby Planet Bake!

Happy to learn more about this platform from you all. :)


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Hi, I’m Leslie. I’m an American living in France with my French husband, Weimaraners, and rescue cats. (Cassie is that Weim or a Visla? The lighting is a bit yellow so I can’t quite tell if the coat color is true.) I’m a photographer and designer and passionately collect vintage French ephemera.

I have a Shopify store selling digital graphics. I work from my home studio which I love. I’m pretty much a one person shop, but I do get some contractor work help with production and Shopify. I love seeing how my customers use my graphics. Their creativity always delights and surprises.

I’m new to Klaviyo, just getting set up, but I’m already feeling really psyched. I’ve been doing newsletters for 10 years with another big company and I always felt intimidated by analytics, segmenting, etc. I never felt like I really understood how things worked. With Klaviyo, just from signing up and getting so much helpful information in the welcome emails and watching some webinars, I’m already thinking “I can do this!”. Here’s to learning, growing, connecting, and prospering!

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Hello Klaviyo community,

I am French/Moroccan with a beautiful life is salt lake city. I am a graphic designer who is eager to understand all sorts of things...very vague.

I guess I am learning  this tool on the fly.

I apologize in advance for the questions that I am going to ask.

Thx everyone


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Hi marketers!

I’m Paul, from Timisoara, Romania (yes, where Dracula and Nadia Comaneci were born :smile: ).

I’m passionate about animals, especially dogs. Growing up, I spent most of my vacations at my grandparents where I discovered what hard work is and that I liked animals more than people (I probably still do).

Currently, I work at Ecomitize as a Project Manager aka Miracle Worker.
We help businesses of all sizes achieve their goals through our outside-the-box approach and we recently joined the Gold Master fellowship of the ring.

The team I’m part of is called Managed Services, where we work with you to learn the ins and outs of your business to be able to understand your needs, wants, even those “nice-to-haves” and embrace every crazy idea to turn it into something feasible, it’s how we got to Klaviyo in the first place.

Looking forward to meeting more of you!

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Hi Everyone!

My name is Denise Butalid and I am the Sr. Email + SMS Marketing Manager for Ecom Department—a one-stop shop for everything, well….ecommerce! We are a small crew that prides ourselves on the strength of our client relationships and a well-placed GIF reply on our internal Slack channel. I, personally, love collaborating with my super nice/extremely knowledgeable team members and seeing the visible impacts we make across all channels. 

I’m passionate about problem solving and coming up with creative solutions. I also love to look at code and get excited when I figure out what it all means! I’m currently taking classes to learn more.

Outside of work, I’m really into making music playlists and going to live shows (oh how I miss them), watching F1 racing and spending time with my kids. Right now, the whole family’s into playing Cuphead on the Switch.

It’s a pleasure to take part in this community forum and *THANK YOU Cassy* for the welcome icebreaker. I’m excited to learn more from everyone here. Talk soon!



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Hello everyone,

I’m Danny Welsh. I’m co-founder and marketing director for a couple jewelry ecommerce brands that use Shopify and are dipping our toes into the Klaviyo waters after a lot of email marketing disappointments.

I’m passionate about persuasion. It’s one of my favorite things in the world, and I love that you get to make money doing it-- and feel good, too, if you truly have a conviction that your customers are better off with your product or service than the cash they exchange to get it.
