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A few months ago we cancelled our Klaviyo account but I now can’t unsubscribe from Klaviyo Community emails.


(Ironic given that Klaviyo is all about email best practice, right?)


First of all the “Unsubscribe” link in Klaviyo Community emails doesn’t work:


Klaviyo Community Email Footer

The “unsubscribe” link just points to which returns this page to logged out users:


Unsubscribe Link Fail

In fact, once you land on this page you can’t even log in - clicking the Log In button does nothing due to jQuery errors:


So I go to the Klaviyo homepage and login to my (long cancelled) account, then re-attempt the Unsubscribe link from the email.

Success (kind of) - this is the page the “Unsubscribe” link takes me to:

Unsubscribe Link doesn’t actually Unsubscribe

...yep, no option to unsubscribe from Marketing emails (like the one I just received, it doesn’t fall into any of those categories) and no option to “Unsubscribe from all emails”. Weird.


I look for a “Delete my account” in Klaviyo Account settings. There isn’t one. 


I know, I think - I’ll contact Klaviyo support to ask them to unsubscribe me.  I click the Support link:



Am I missing something or is Klaviyo = Hotel California?



Hi @crobinuk,

Thanks for sharing this with us.

I see a couple of things happening here, let’s break it down together.

The link the unsubscribe page points to (as you see in your screenshot) is a page internal to the community tied to your particular profile which subsequently requires a logged-in account to view. That’s why you are seeing the “error” when you’re not logged in. We can certainly look into the specific “log in” link throwing the error from that particular page but once you’re properly logged in, as you figured out, you’re able to view the unsubscribe page.

In terms of unsubscribing from these specific emails, I reviewed the marketing email you received from the community and this was a badge notification email, regarding your community anniversary. While there isn't a way to disable these types of emails at this time (these emails are actually tied to a system external to Klaviyo), the particular badge notification email you received is the only "passive" badge that exists. This means it is rewarded (and an email is dispatched) based on a time requirement of joining the community. Generally speaking, you will not receive any of these types of emails unless you are actively taking actions in the community like responding to posts or contributing to threads. Since you are no longer using Klaviyo, this type of “passive” email is a “one-off” and shouldn't be an issue moving forward.

You can check out anytime you like. I hope that provides some guidance. 


Hi @Dov, thanks for responding so quickly.

Would definitely recommend that Klaviyo change the authentication process so that any requests for this Settings page throw up an invitation to login rather than return a HTTP 403 error:

(This might also be contributing to the jQuery errors I saw in the console which seem to be currently breaking the login button...)

Would also recommend that Klaviyo include *single-click* Unsubscribe links in the marketing emails that it sends rather than link to a generic Settings page like this. Mainly because this page doesn’t include an option to unsubscribe from marketing emails (like the one I received), but also because as an industry leader I would just expect Klaviyo to follow best practice.

PS. Would be interested to learn why Klaviyo finds it needs a 3rd party system to trigger/send these emails... I would have thought this would have been the perfect use case to be handled by the Klaviyo platform itself :)

Thanks again.

Hi @crobinuk,

Thanks for your reply.

Hi @Dov, thanks for responding so quickly.

Would definitely recommend that Klaviyo change the authentication process so that any requests for this Settings page throw up an invitation to login rather than return a HTTP 403 error:

(This might also be contributing to the jQuery errors I saw in the console which seem to be currently breaking the login button...)

Would also recommend that Klaviyo include *single-click* Unsubscribe links in the marketing emails that it sends rather than link to a generic Settings page like this. Mainly because this page doesn’t include an option to unsubscribe from marketing emails (like the one I received), but also because as an industry leader I would just expect Klaviyo to follow best practice.

PS. Would be interested to learn why Klaviyo finds it needs a 3rd party system to trigger/send these emails... I would have thought this would have been the perfect use case to be handled by the Klaviyo platform itself :)

Thanks again.

That is a good call out and we are looking into changing this functionality to better suit our community members. 

With respect to the unsubscribes, we are working with our 3rd party provider to provide that as a viable option for those particular types of emails. In terms of the “why”, the platform we use to “power” the Klaviyo community provides this functionality for community-based emails only. Of course we’re not against using our own emails in this case, again this may be something we look into in the future.

We appreciate you flagging these issues. It helps us improve the product for everyone’s benefit 🙂.

Thanks for being a community member.


