Hi there :)
Can someone help with this?
I’ve been following this recipe for setting up Simplified Custom Product Blocks: https://medium.com/klaviyo-developers/simplified-custom-product-blocks-b22e53d21bf6
However, I’m not having luck with my before and after prices.
This is what I have done:
Button: {% if catalog_item.metadata|lookup:"default_price" != None %} Nu {% currency_format catalog_item.metadata|lookup:"$price" %}{% else %} {% currency_format catalog_item.metadata|lookup:"$price" %} {% endif %}
What I want:
- If discounted price: Nu xxx kr.
- If not discounted price: xxx kr.
However, I see this one no matter what: Nu xxx kr.
Below the button: {% if catalog_item.metadata|lookup:"default_price" != None %}<s> {% currency_format catalog_item.metadata|lookup:"default_price" %} </s>{% endif %}
What I want:
- If discounted price: Price with a strike through
- If not discounted price: Nothing showed
However, I see this one no matter what: Price with a strike through