I’ve got a different types of email that gets sent out each week that are attached to a different mailing lists. Is there a way to have multiple unsubscribe list?
For e.g
Customer 1 is in the list A and list B, customer 1 only wants to unsubscribe list A emails but keep list B emails.
Within your Klaviyo account under, Account > Settings > Email, you have the ability to select if you want a user to be unsubscribed from all lists when they unsubscribe. This setting is checked by default (recommended as best practice). You would need to de-select this setting. Then, in list settings which can be found when you click into the list > click settings, you have the option to set whether a user unsubscribing from that list will only be removed from that list or will be globally suppressed.
Within your Klaviyo account under, Account > Settings > Email, you have the ability to select if you want a user to be unsubscribed from all lists when they unsubscribe. This setting is checked by default (recommended as best practice). You would need to de-select this setting. Then, in list settings which can be found when you click into the list > click settings, you have the option to set whether a user unsubscribing from that list will only be removed from that list or will be globally suppressed.
The arguments can be sent as URI parameters or as content type application/json. The API key can also be specified in the request header with the key api-key.
api_key - string - The private API key for your account.
emails - list of emails - The emails corresponding to the profiles that you would like to remove from the list.
phone_numbers - list of phone numbers - The phone numbers corresponding to the profiles that you would like to remove from the list. Phone numbers must be in E.164 format.
push_tokens - list of push tokens - The push tokens corresponding to the profiles that you would like to remove from the list.
Response - Successful requests will return with HTTP OK responses. Invalid requests will be accompanied by an error message.