We have a bit of an odd situation with a flow.
When customers come into store and enquire about a product/s, we create a follow up flow to send them a message at day 1 and 3 since the Estimate was created. Day 3 contains a discount to encourage the customer to complete their purchase. This discount is only applicable when the total order value is > $600. If its under 600 they exit the flow
In the flow we exclude anyone that has an Estimate under 600 by using the following condition:

We have run into a problem when a customer creates 2 estimates on the same day (either a different stores or maybe they forgot something and a second Estimate was created to cover it). One Estimate is over 600 while the other is under 600. A customer received the discount for the estimate that was below 600.
It looks like Klaviyo is saying ‘does this customer have any estimate over 600?’, yes, then progress through the flow. Its not using particular values of each estimate, just if ANY estimate against their record is above 600.
Should this filter be changed or is there a better way to ensure that estimates that are under 600 are not included? Thanks