Here’s the scenario: We want to create a competition sign up form to put on a web-page. This form will submit the email address, add hidden tags and collect email consent. We want to give the person the option to opt in for marketing emails, like a tick box.

We have tested this, and it seems that regardless of if you tick the box or not, clicking the submit button (which creates the event “subscribed to list”) automatically adds consent to a profile when they submit the form.

The only other way I can think to do this - is to create a separate competition list that they get added to, where by ticking the box it adds a hidden value (e.g. consent = yes). We can then use that value to manually add people to the main newsletter list, thus leaving anyone else who doesn’t want marketing emails out. However, given that there is a competition virtually every month - this then becomes a very manual process of segmenting and adding people from one list to another.
Ideally I want to avoid as much manual work as possible, as this increases the likelihood of errors occurring in the data. Can anyone suggest another solution? Or is it just as simple as - if you submit a Klaviyo form, you HAVE to opt in to marketing emails?