We have a verified branded sending domain - unmosquito1.thermacell.com
Noticed in the campaigns & flows we can change the “Sender email address”. We have various email addresses under thermacell.com for different purposes.
So as long as we are using xxx@thermacell.com , can we change the sender email address to fit the correct flow and campaign?
I ask because we needed a child account to do our thermacell.ca which admittedly is using a different verified branding sending domain so that would make sense.
Yes, that’s correct - as long as you’re using EMAIL@thermacell.com, you should be able to swap out “email” with any term you’d like, and further to this, you’re free to use a different reply-to address too, provided that one uses the same “xxx@thermacell.com” structure.
To add, you do need to have a functional inbox for this!
Any other domains/websites will, indeed, need separate Klaviyo accounts with their own sending domains, and emails used for that account.
Yes, that’s correct - as long as you’re using EMAIL@thermacell.com, you should be able to swap out “email” with any term you’d like, and further to this, you’re free to use a different reply-to address too, provided that one uses the same “xxx@thermacell.com” structure.
To add, you do need to have a functional inbox for this!
Any other domains/websites will, indeed, need separate Klaviyo accounts with their own sending domains, and emails used for that account.
Thank you so much for the quick followup. What happens if the reply-to address uses a different structure?
Even though our email is a verified branded sending domain it ultimately is an alias of our company domain .net . If I put xxx@thermacell.net in a flow to respond directly to a person/role for that flow, what would happen. I am more curious than anything.