Do you have the additional tracking features enabled (below and found here: or have you added the add-to-cart snippet to the theme code? Are you seeing Shopify added-to-cart events in your metrics?
Do you have the additional tracking features enabled (below and found here: or have you added the add-to-cart snippet to the theme code? Are you seeing Shopify added-to-cart events in your metrics?
Yes I have done all the actions and I can see my last action added to cart with the specific product as preview as well. But as soon as I add that dynamic block to my email, with your code or with Klavyio’s default, it is not working unfortunately and I am so giving up on this.
Briefly on one of the previews before testing it came up correctly and I added the block, and now when sending test or previewing, it shows only that PRICE field by itself. I have tried everything and spent so much time on this. I even created a draft Klavyio’s one and on that preview it doesn’t work either, so I really am not sure anymore