@PBowser, so I’m posting some information just to make a distinction on how our manage preference form works:
In your account's main navigation sidebar, you will see a Preferences Pages tab. These are default email forms that are used in:
- Emails sent to segments
- Flows triggered by an event
- Emails sent to multiple lists and/or segments
When you insert an unsubscribe tag — {% unsubscribe %} — or a manage preference tag — {% manage_preferences %} — into a campaign that is sending to a segment, the default email forms will be used. The same is true when you insert these tags into flow emails where the flow is triggered by an event. This is the form that you went ahead and created in the Preference Pages section that has the additional fields you added in and styled.
When emails are sent to subscriber lists, however, the default email forms will not be used. This is because there are unique forms connected to specific lists. I’m wondering if this is causing the issue that you are seeing with the preference page not displaying with the preference page that you created.
While you may want a single preferences page to use consistently across all email sends, having the ability to customize these forms for a specific list is often helpful. For example, if a list is being used for a special contest or subscriber offer, you may want your forms to look a certain way and display a different set of subscriber preferences than forms related to your primary newsletter list.
Unfortunately, you’d have to recreate the form that is tied to the specific list like your Newsletter list if you wanted emails that were being sent to that list’s preference page to not be the default manage preference page which you are likely seeing.
Here is the information for changing a list’s manage preference page:
Customize a List's Preferences Page
When you click on the preferences page for a given list, you will notice that there isn't an "Add Fields" section. This is because the preferences page for a list mirrors the subscribe page. So, to edit the preferences page, you must first edit the subscribe page.
When someone first signs up, you will want to collect as much information as possible without impeding their likelihood to complete the form since some subscribers may never decide to update their preferences. Any fields you'd like to appear on your preferences page must be added directly to the list's subscribe page first.

The information that gets filled out by the profile should be stored in the Custom Properties section of a profile and can then be used to create segments to send targeted communication to based off of interest or the other fields you have on your preference page.
I hope the information above isn’t overwhelming but let me know if there is anything that you could use a further explanation of or needs to be clarified.