Hi, we have a collection buttons in “Header / Link Bar”, and we want to send the user to a different pages when user clicks on them. Here is the code for when user clicks on one of the button:
{% update_property_link 'NPS' '8' 'https://www.trustpilot.com/evaluate/<our company name>' %}
Everything works fine so far. But now, we are send user’s email and first in the query params, Here is what we’ve tried:
We tried a few more combinations as well, but nothing worked, could you please help us how to send user’s data in this case. A link to handle such cases in the doc is also welcome :)
The update property link is the only way to simultaneously achieve clicking on a button and updating a profile property. In light of this, you may want to consider reviewing Trustpilot’s integration with Klaviyo as an alternative to bringing review information into Klaviyo instead of re-directing them to Trustpilot. It may be worth having a separate discussion with Trustpilot on your goal because they own this integration, they may be able to provide additional feedback. Alternatively or additionally, you can push a custom event to Klaviyo using the Track API (the Track API can also be used also to update profile properties for users) and include all of the information you need (i.e. the name of the user in the Trustpilot URL) in a URL in the payload of the event. From there, simply use the tag for the URL (including the name) to push this information into the Klaviyo email.
The first example works because you have a static URL in the re-direct portion of the tag. The other two examples don’t work because they include dynamic tags (first name) within the update_property_link tag and you cannot nest a tag within another tag. Therefore, the solution here is to only include ‘static’ links in the re-direct portion of the tag.
The first example works because you have a static URL in the re-direct portion of the tag. The other two examples don’t work because they include dynamic tags (first name) within the update_property_link tag and you cannot nest a tag within another tag. Therefore, the solution here is to only include ‘static’ links in the re-direct portion of the tag.
I hope that’s helpful.
Hey @Dov would there be any other alternative for such situation? It’s kind of important for us to send user info to the next page.
For this particular tag, I’m afraid there is no other way to do this aside from including a static URL within that portion of the tag. Since it looks like you’re looking for a review-type property, you may want to consider one of the several different product review apps Klaviyo integrates with, including Stamped.io or Yotpo, You can also consider changing the URL or re-directing the user to that URL through a separate button or link and then independently log the custom property.
generate the Review link by making call to TrustPilot API
send user to the generate link.
Could you please help us with a way to implement it? As you mentioned `update_property_link` can’t help in this case, as the URL is dynamic, could you please refer a doc or something for such cases...
The update property link is the only way to simultaneously achieve clicking on a button and updating a profile property. In light of this, you may want to consider reviewing Trustpilot’s integration with Klaviyo as an alternative to bringing review information into Klaviyo instead of re-directing them to Trustpilot. It may be worth having a separate discussion with Trustpilot on your goal because they own this integration, they may be able to provide additional feedback. Alternatively or additionally, you can push a custom event to Klaviyo using the Track API (the Track API can also be used also to update profile properties for users) and include all of the information you need (i.e. the name of the user in the Trustpilot URL) in a URL in the payload of the event. From there, simply use the tag for the URL (including the name) to push this information into the Klaviyo email.