Hi @Mischa,
Good and awesome question and great thinking.
To add to what @inboxingmaestro said I'm assuming when you say you have different ecommerce stores you mean you have various domains/url's?
For each domain I suggest to follow the steps for setting up a dedicated sending domain.
use a separate sending domain per shop domain you're setting up.
i.e. send.domain1.com, send.domain2.com, send.domain3.com etc
Now for using email addresses my suggestion would be to have various levels of email addresses as well split by for what they'll be used.
I would suggest at least
- 1 transactional email address (account info/order emails etc) - info@ / webshop@ / shop@ / service@ or something similar
- 1 email marketing address - hello@, email@, mail@, news@
If you want to go further you could split up personal type emails with a name, split up newsletters from flows, use different emails for service/tool related emails (reviews, loyalty).
The main reason being, you don't want your transactional emails to potentially also be marked as promotional or if something goes wrong also end up in spam.
In the end you can have 1 mailbox with multiple aliases just to catch any replies that come in. That way you don't have to monitor multiple mailboxes.
I hope this helps and answers your question(s).
Omar Lovert // Polaris Growth // Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner
We help with e-commerce growth through CRO, Klaviyo and CVO