Tried to search for a solution, but yet to find. I’m not sure what I’m missing here...🙄
We use signup forms in our site, one of the settings is “don’t show to existing profiles” but as you know cookies and etc plus if you are surrfing for example from an iPhone safary browser that are set to private the signup form will keep showing even to existing profiles.
The journey is:
1. Join our list and revcive promo code
2. Fill the the fields in the signup form
3. User is entering the Welcome series for new Subscriber.
However, if an existing subscriber filled the signup to get a coupun (i’ts totally fine) he will not recive the email as he already been in the welcome series
Im trying to figure out what wil be the best practice for sending them the email with a promotion code as if they are already prevoisly subscribed they will not enter the welcome series triggered by “join to list XYZ”
Many thanks for any help!