I’m trying the latest python sdk v6.1.0 . I’m trying to do a simple create event call and I’m getting an error. I’ve copied the payload directly from the docs, and the “get” queries are working, so i’m not sure what the issue is… Has anyone else run into this? I’ve tried many different payload formats but i’m not sure what is missing.
klaviyo = KlaviyoAPI(settings.KLAVIYO_PRIVATE_KEY, max_delay=60, max_retries=3, test_host=None)
payload = {'data': {'type': 'event',
'attributes': {'properties': {'action': 'Reset Password'},
'metric': {'data': {'type': 'metric',
'attributes': {'name': 'Reset Password'}}},
'profile': {'data': {'type': 'profile',
'attributes': {'email': 'sarah.mason@klaviyo-demo.com'},
'properties': {'PasswordResetLink': 'https://www.website.com/reset/1234567890987654321'}}},
'unique_id': '4b5d3f33-2e21-4c1c-b392-2dae2a74a2er'}}}
result = klaviyo.Events.create_event(data=payload)
ValidationError: 1 validation error for CreateEvent
field required (type=value_error.missing)