I’ve been trying to set up a dedicated sending domain for my account. My domain is managed by Shopify, and I had no issues setting up another Shopify domain a while back, but this time I am prevented from entering the CNAME records. I get an error code saying that special characters aren’t allowed when I try to enter kl._domainkey. Is there any way around this issue or do I have to transfer my domain to another host?
Adding domain verification records within Shopify
Thank you so much for coming to the Klaviyo Community for help with setting up your dedicated sending domain.
Most domain providers (including Shopify) will have no issues accepting Klaviyo's CNAME record formulations of using periods and underscores. After confirming with another team member, this is a known issue with Shopify. I would suggest reaching out to Shopify for more details on this as there wouldn't be any alternatives to Klaviyo being able to set up the dedicated sending domain outside of those CNAME records given/used. Shopify is one of our built in integrations and uses this format for our set up which typically has no problem, but they should be able to tell you why the CNAME you are using isn’t being accepted.
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