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How do I remove a user from my account?

  • 20 March 2022
  • 4 replies

Several months ago I added an advertising agency as a user on my Klaviyo account.  Now that I am no longer using them, I want to remove them as a user, but there is no option to do it.  The only options are to change their Role.  I just want to remove them completely so they no longer have access.


4 replies

Badge +2

Thanks to the Chat bot I learned there is a small gray x to the far right of the user name.  You just click on it and it deletes the user.  So simple, yet hard to find.

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @BTGG,

Thanks for sharing that answer for the rest of the Community! To remove or add users to your Klaviyo account, you can do so by navigating to Accounts > Settings > Users

I’ve also included a screenshot below highlighting the X icon that BTGG mentioned on how to remove a user

Thanks for being a part of the Klaviyo Community!



When i click on the X it opens the box to delete the user but is not responsive?

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @georgeg,

In my experience, when things sometimes act funny or don’t work in a responsive manner, I would first make sure you’re logged into the correct. Especially if you manage multiple ones. Essentially, you can’t be logged into two different Klaviyo accounts at the same time through different browsers. If you had two browsers/tabs open logged into different accounts, whichever account you aren’t actually logged into, the changes won’t take effect. 

I would also recommend clearing the cache and cookies on your browser as sometimes that can cause an issue with web based services such as Klaviyo. 

