I would like to hear recommendations what are the best practices to setup Browse abandonment Flow for profiles that are still receiving Welcome Flow emails as well as the recommendations to improve my Welcome Flow.
My current Welcome Flow sends 5 emails during one week. I am experimenting with this flow in an attempt to get better results, because placed order rate is really low (0,20%).
So my email sequences is as follow:
- Welcome email with an incentive (10% off for the first order. I wasn’t offering discount earlier, so maybe the discount itself will improve the results)
- Introduction of our team (no product is showed in the email)
- Request to update their profile (choose which products categories they are interested in. No product is showed in the email)
- Reminder about the discount code and here I show the product she has viewed (not mentioning it's a product she's been looking at - what's more the wording of Browse Abandonment Flow - I'm just putting a picture just in between the copy)
- If during that time she looks at a popular and profitable product, I highlight the benefits of that particular product, write reviews, and remind her of the discount. Otherwise, I just write general reviews about our products and remind her about the discount.
My current Browse Abandonment Flow does not exclude people who are in the Welcome Flow and I am worried about too many emails would be sent. But on the other hand I am hopping that Browse Abandonment emails would help to convert those subscribers.
Would appreciate opinions from other marketers.