Is there any plans to allow access to Coupon Codes via an API?
We have a number of integrations that are providing a lot of loyalty like functionality but without automation of the loading and use of coupons they are limited.
We have an external process for getting dynamic coupon codes generated. However without an API we are down to having to load them into Klaviyo through a CSV Import each time. Yes in 2023. There is no API support for uploading coupons yet.
How do we check how many codes we have left to be used? This requires us to be able to get the current codes loaded and also identify those that are “used up” This is not in the current Klaviyo API.
But you can see it in the interface of Klaviyo easily.
It seems that adding this API would be relatively easy as we just need what is in the front end to be exposed. Unfortunately coupons are not an example of “API-Led Development”
Does any one else need this?