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Cannot find example response body for rate limit. Will appreciate if someone can share one - I’m particularly interested in getting ‘retry after’ value (is it timestamp or number of seconds to wait).

Hi there @mkgr,

Welcome to the Community! Thanks for posting your API question here and I hope I can provide some info to get you started.

We have a developer portal with information regarding our API that houses the information for our API. One example of such can be found below:

Identify API:

350 calls per second (We respond with a 1 if it's a good request or 0 if it's a bad request).

*These APIs can perform faster than 350/s but may cause slowdowns in company infrastructure if you are hitting them that fast.

I hope the developer portal has the information you are looking for. If not please feel free to let me know here.


Thank you @alex.hong for you answer. Unfortunately it is not exactly I was looking for. In this post I found info that there should be ‘retry-after’ info, but I’m not sure what is exact schema of such response.

This code suggests it’s a header (‘Retry-After’) and the value is number of seconds to wait.

Thanks for the follow up and correction on info @mkgr! I hope you were able to find what you were looking for. 
