I’ve got a store where you have the option to send a gift to a customer by adding their email address. What I’m doing now using the Klaviyo API is to add the member to a specific list and send an email when the user is subscribed to the list.
My problem is that if a gift is send to the same email address the flow isn’t triggering and it doesn’t send the email to that user.
It is possible to create a flow where an email is send if the user is resubscribing to a list ?
Best answer by jallain
Our Track API allows you to record any type of custom event in your Klaviyo account that you would like. You can see an example at that link you provided for the php-sdk under “Track an event”. Instead of “Filled out Profile” you can name it anything you’d like and then in your Klaviyo account, when we start recording that event, you can create a Flow based off of that event.
If you’d prefer to keep it the way that you have it you should be able to get that to work as well. Is the user being skipped in the Flow the second time or are they not entering the Flow at all?
Hello Kweit. Are you removing the user from the list and then re-adding them or is the user subscribing to a list that they are already a member of? You could also try sending a custom Track event which would send the user through the Flow, and have them go through the Flow every time they record the event.
Our Track API allows you to record any type of custom event in your Klaviyo account that you would like. You can see an example at that link you provided for the php-sdk under “Track an event”. Instead of “Filled out Profile” you can name it anything you’d like and then in your Klaviyo account, when we start recording that event, you can create a Flow based off of that event.
If you’d prefer to keep it the way that you have it you should be able to get that to work as well. Is the user being skipped in the Flow the second time or are they not entering the Flow at all?