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Have you had a chance to review our help center article on how to build dynamic blocks in a flow email? I would recommend checking a few setting within the dynamic table block to start:
Ensure that this block is set as “Dynamic.”
Set up the data source of the block. This feature will allow you to display all products within the event. The “Row Alias” will be used within the block to replace the “Row Collection.” The row collection is the syntax that appears at the beginning of the metric properties for a given event. The row alias enables the tag to go over every instance of data within the event. As an example: {{ event.extra.line_items.0.product.images.0.src }} turns into {{ item.product.images.0.src }}.
As for cleaning up the [‘u symbols, it would depend how this information is being passed to Klaviyo. If it is a property that you’re pulling from the triggering event (placed order event) then the formatting that’s being passed from your ecommerce integration to Klaviyo is likely controlled at the eccomerce store level. If this is a profile property, then you can re-import the property responses associated with your users so that the new formatting overrides the original [‘u formatting.
Welcome to Klaviyo! Thanks for posting in our community forum!
Have you had a chance to review our help center article on how to build dynamic blocks in a flow email? I would recommend checking a few setting within the dynamic table block to start:
Ensure that this block is set as “Dynamic.”
Set up the data source of the block. This feature will allow you to display all products within the event. The “Row Alias” will be used within the block to replace the “Row Collection.” The row collection is the syntax that appears at the beginning of the metric properties for a given event. The row alias enables the tag to go over every instance of data within the event. As an example: {{ event.extra.line_items.0.product.images.0.src }} turns into {{ item.product.images.0.src }}.
As for cleaning up the [‘u symbols, it would depend how this information is being passed to Klaviyo. If it is a property that you’re pulling from the triggering event (placed order event) then the formatting that’s being passed from your ecommerce integration to Klaviyo is likely controlled at the eccomerce store level. If this is a profile property, then you can re-import the property responses associated with your users so that the new formatting overrides the original [‘u formatting.
Hi, I’ve just started having the same problem, with an email flow we send when someone orders an item tagged “pre-order” that we then send them follow-up emails about the status of their order.
I created the dynamic table, the event.line_items etc were not available options, so i have to use the {{ event.Name }} as the data source. It works but the product repeats around 8 times down the page before you get to the email body/text. I’ve attached 2 screen shots of the email as it wouldn’t fit on one!
Am i missing some basic command that stops it repeating?
The template was created solely in Klaviyo using blocks.
Thank you for sharing this question with the Klaviyo community.
As an example, for an metric containing an array of values (i.e. a Placed Order event with collections a,b,c,d associated with the order), you’ll notice if you click on the collection name (or the image name) in the preview, each collection or image has an associated tag for example:
and so on. One reason you may be seeing duplicate product images is if you’ve inserted the first array variable, for example:
{{ event.Collections.0 }}
instead of
{{ event.Collections }}
and the email template is set to dynamic.
It sounds like you have the correct variable inserted for data source, but I would also check the block repeat function to make sure you aren’t using an incorrect image tag there or anywhere else in the template, like the image placeholder (image below). In this example, it should be event.extra.Items
Additionally, if you’re triggering your flow off of a metric that only stores a single item per event, for example the Ordered Product metric, ensure your block is set to static, instead of dynamic. That will tell the template to not unnecessarily iterate over a single item (including the image). If the block is set to dynamic, even with the correct tag, it will iterate over the single item causing duplicates of name, item, price etc.
The same principle applies to flows triggered off of Viewed Product (the browse abandonment flow) which also only carries 1 item per Viewed Product event.