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How to find a unique coupon code sent by Klaviyo in Shopify

  • October 5, 2020
  • 3 replies


When a coupon is first created in Klaviyo, the corresponding discount will not immediately appear in Shopifyit will only appear after a unique code for that coupon has been generated (i.e., only after a flow email sends out with a corresponding unique code in it).

Here, there are two unique objects:

  • Discount: This is the offer itself, defined by a set of rules

  • Discount Code: This is the unique code generated based on a defined discount

Klaviyo uses Shopify's Bulk Discounts API to create a single discount, and then multiple unique codes for that discount.

In the Shopify Discounts Admin page, you can search for the discount itself by the name you gave the coupon in Klaviyo. After finding this discount, you will see that it's tagged with "App" and there will be a summary of how many codes exist for that coupon and how many were used. If you click on the discount itself, you will see all of the corresponding codes that have been generated.

Please note that you will not be able to search for specific unique codes. This is due to a limitation on Shopify's end, but by searching for the discount name (as named in Klaviyo), you should be able to quickly find the discount and then click to find the codes.



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3 replies

  • Active Contributor I
  • 11 replies
  • April 21, 2021

Hi Cassy,


Am I trying to add a hide show block based on whether a customer has used their unique welcome code yet or not? 

Currently, we have sign up and get x off your first order. If a prospect doesn’t use this and enters another flow Basket/Browser etc I want to be able to pull their unique code into certain emails in these flows as well.

I can’t work out who to pull in the already created unique code into the template and the right syntax to show the block.


Many Thanks



David To
Klaviyo Employee
  • Klaviyo Employee
  • 2456 replies
  • May 3, 2021

Hello @davemanson,

Klaviyo is not notified if a coupon code has already been used or not. For this reason, there wouldn’t be a way to use a Show/Hide condition to evaluate and display the block to someone who has or has not used a specific coupon code. 

Since the coupon codes you are using are dynamic, there wouldn’t be a way to filter for these coupon codes as each code issued is unique for each recipient. However, you would be able to filter off of a static coupon code and see who has used a specific coupon code in their purchase as depicted in the See Who Used Discount Codes in Shopify and Magento section of the How to Use Coupon Codes in Klaviyo article.


One suggestion we can provide though is to use a condition split in your secondary flow you want to remind customers about the coupon with the rule of “What someone has done, placed an order at least once where attributed flow equals X since starting this flow” where “X” would be the name of the flow which the coupon was issued from. This condition split rule isn’t perfect, but it would indicate a high likelihood that customers who received this coupon code made a purchase fairly soon after receiving it and thus be attributed to the flow. 


This conditional split rule would allow you to redirect customers who have used this coupon down the YES path of the split and those customers who have not used the code down the NO path. For the email down the NO path, you can actually use the same dynamic coupon syntax as the original coupon. When using the same dynamic coupon syntax in an email, so long as the coupon has not expired, the original coupon code issued to the customer would be referenced and pulled into the email again. 

Hope this helps!



Contributor IV
  • Contributor IV
  • 7 replies
  • July 4, 2023

Thanks for sharing this Tutorial. I’m an intern at a reputed Shopify mobile app development Company. I always look for these types of important tutorial, news and announcements.
