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In the developer pages, in the event api call (e.g. Product Viewed event), the examples show entering the full product data (id, sku, category, image, etc).

If we are also setting up a product feed, shouldn’t we be able to send events with just a ProductID and you would match that up to the product data in the catalog?

Or are we required to send the complete product data for every event (would seems like such a waste).

Hi @mmn!

I’ll check on this with the API team and I’ll update the thread ASAP!

- Brian

Hi @mmn! I apologize for the delay here. I’ve escalated your question to a Support ticket. Please keep an eye out for the email. :) 

@mmn, it depends on what you’re trying to do. You can probably use catalog lookup tags ( by leveraging the product ID to provide additional information in an email template, for example.

However, if you’re trying to segment or do flow filtering based on other fields within the event, it’s good to have some duplication of the data. Hopefully that answers your question!

Thank you for the info.
